A.A.S. Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing

(2 Years)

General Education

The listing below includes program requirements that also fulfill General Education requirements.1

Objective 13
Objective 2- COMM 11013
Objective 33
Objective 63
Any unfilled objective3
Total Credits15

See General Education Requirements (minimum 15 credits) for A.A.S. Degree at the start of the College of Technology section of the catalog.

Major Requirements

ACRR 1111Introduction to Automotive Collision Repair8
Introduction to Collision Repair Safety
and Introduction to Welding for Collision Repair
and Introduction to Welding for Collision Repair Lab
and Fundamentals of Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing
ACRR 1112Introduction to Automotive Refinishing8
Detailing and Polishing
and Minor Collision Repair Theory
and Minor Collision Repair Lab
and Fundamentals of Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing Lab
ACRR 1160Advanced Refinishing I7
ACRR 1161Advanced Refinishing II7
ACRR 1162Advanced Refinishing III7
or ACRR 2252 Internship
ACRR 2210Advanced Collision Repair I7
ACRR 2211Advanced Collision Repair II7
ACRR 2212Advanced Collision Repair III7
or ACRR 2252 Internship
COMM 1101Fundamentals of Oral Communication (Satisfies General Education Objective 2)3
Total Credits61

Degree Totals 

General Education15
Program Admissions Requirements0
Major Requirements (General Education Courses Removed)58
Free Electives0
Total Credits73

 Major Academic Plan (MAP)