Graduate Admissions

Application Deadlines

Notification of Admission

Re-enrollment or Re-Admission of Graduate Students

Restricted Registration

Continuing Registration for Graduate Students

Registration without Permission

Idaho State University invites applications for admission to Graduate School from students holding baccalaureate degrees from any regionally accredited colleges or universities in the United States or with equivalent preparation acquired in another country. Prospective applicants may apply as degree-seeking or non-degree-seeking students. Non-degree-seeking students include those seeking certification, professional growth, or strengthened backgrounds for various professional and industrial occupations.

 Admission Requirements for Doctoral Programs

Admission to doctoral programs varies depending upon the program of study. Potential applicants are encouraged to read the appropriate sections of the Graduate Catalog and/or check Department websites for individual program variations. Please see individual department sections for GPA & GRE requirements for doctoral programs.

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 Admission Requirements for Other Programs (e.g., Master's degrees)

Degree-seeking students must meet the following requirements for Classified status. Check with individual graduate programs in the catalog for any additional requirements:

  1. A baccalaureate degree or higher from a college or university regionally accredited in the United States or its equivalent from a school in another country. If admitted, applicants will be required to submit official transcripts before attending/registering for classes. All official transcripts must be sent either in printed form or electronically from the institution(s) directly to the Graduate School (students can not mail in their transcript).
    • Email address:
    • Mailing address: Graduate School, Idaho State University, 921 S. 8th Ave, Mail Stop 8075, Pocatello, ID 83209-8075
  2. An overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher, out of a 4.0 scale OR a GPA of 3.0 using the most recent degree-seeking GPA OR a GPA of 3.0 as calculated using the grades from the most recent 60 credits of accredited college coursework. Those who do not meet GPA requirements may be admitted with a performance requirement. 
  3. Recommendation for admission by the department, division, or college offering the desired degree program after faculty review of application materials required by each program. Please note that the program offering the desired degree may have additional requirements for admission with associated documentation materials. These materials may include any combination of exam scores, written statements, letters of recommendation, and other documentation. See specific requirements for each program.
  4. Approval for admission by the Dean of the Graduate School.

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 The Application Process

The admission process is initiated as follows:

  1. Applications for admission are online ( by clicking on the Apply Now button.

  2. Applicants applying as degree-seeking students must list all previous colleges, universities, or post-secondary education experiences in the application for admission. Students who have already earned a master's or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent higher degree acquired in another country need only have the official advanced degree/s transcript submitted in lieu of a bachelor's degree transcript. However, some programs may require a full academic record. Please check with individual departments and programs.

  3. To evaluate an applicant's academic record, applicants must provide unofficial transcripts from each institution at which they have taken any post-secondary work. If admitted, applicants will be required to submit official transcripts before attending/registering for classes. 

    1. Upload legible copy of unofficial transcript(s) through the application portal located at Acceptable file types: jpg, tif, pdf, gif, png

    2. Email address:

    3. Mailing address: Graduate School, Idaho State University, 921 S. 8th Ave, Mail Stop 8075, Pocatello, ID 83209-8075.

    4. Idaho State University undergraduate transcripts are available to the Graduate School and need not be forwarded by the applicant.

  4. Applicants must include a non-refundable processing fee of $65 for master's and doctoral applications, $35 for certificates, and $35 for non-degree seeking with each application form. Please note that certain degree programs may have an additional application fee.

  5. Some programs require additional information (e.g., exam score, writing sample, resumes, or letters of recommendation); please contact the specific department and review individual departmental sections of this catalog for additional requirements. These documents are part of the online application and sections will need to be completed prior to submitting the application. Standardized tests (GRE, GMAT, MAT, etc.) may be required for degree-seeking applicants at the discretion of the department. Only official score reports are accepted; student copies are not acceptable. All scores should reflect testing within the last five years or be subject to review by the Dean of the Graduate School.

  6. Applicants must clearly indicate the desired graduate program and the on the application form.

  7. GRE/GMAT/MAT may be required for degree-seeking applicants at the discretion of the department. 

  • GRE: (
  • GMAT: (
  • MAT:

Additionally, ISU students may contact the ISU Counseling and Testing Center (208) 282-2130 to register for the GRE or MAT.

GRE/GMAT/MAT scores are used for other purposes in addition to admission. Most departments/colleges/divisions also use these scores as part of the criteria for awarding graduate assistantships, fellowships, or scholarships. Other parts of the campus may also use these scores in the process of awarding scholarships. Students at Idaho State University may take these tests at the Counseling and Testing Center. Special study sessions are available at the University in the Student Success Center (208) 282-3662 to aid the student in preparing for the GRE/GMAT. All scores should reflect testing within the last five years or be subject to review by the Dean of the Graduate School. With certain programs as exceptions applicants who already hold a master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited university may not be required to submit GRE, MAT, or GMAT test scores.

Additional requirements for degree-seeking last semester seniors are listed and international students are described under those headings on the following pages.

Application Deadlines

Please note that some programs have earlier deadlines than those listed. Applicants are encouraged to contact the program director or department chair for specific details. Priority deadlines for application forms to be completed and returned to the Graduate School are: April 1st for summer semester enrollment; April 1st for fall semester enrollment; and November 1st for spring semester enrollment, or the following Monday should these dates fall on a weekend. The deadline for international students is June 1st for the fall semester enrollment and October 1 for spring semester enrollment. Programs that admit international students for the summer semester, will have a deadline of February 15.

Notification of Admission

Applicants will receive a notification letter from the Graduate School regarding their admission status. Admission to Graduate School allows a student to enroll in graduate courses in the specified department and college/division. It does not imply admission to courses in other departments. Only those admitted as degree-seeking students may assume that they are permitted to seek an advanced degree in the discipline/department that approved the admission. Non-degree-seeking students who are admitted are permitted to take graduate courses, but this admission does not imply they will later be approved for admission as a degree-seeking student.

Applicants and/or students who wish to change programs or add an additional program must submit a new application with the application fee. The application will be evaluated through the application review process. Applicants who have applied within the previous 2 years and submitted official transcripts and/or test scores to the Graduate School may not need to resend them. The Graduate School will match the previous official transcripts and test scores with an applicant's new Graduate School application. Current students who wish to change their concentration/emphasis only, may request a change of concentration form from the Graduate School.

Re-Enrollment or Re-Admission of Graduate Students

Graduate students who have been admitted to Graduate School may enroll for graduate or undergraduate classes by preregistration or registration for the term for which they were accepted. Graduate students who fail to enroll or defer their admission status through the Graduate School to a future term (within the two following academic semesters) must reapply for admission and pay the processing fee. The deferral request must be received by the Graduate School no later than October 14 for fall term or March 14 for spring term.

Graduate students who have enrolled for the term in which they have been admitted may take one year (2 semesters excluding summers) off before they would need to re-enroll or reapply to the Graduate School. However, some departments may have more restrictive requirements, and admission may be valid for only a particular semester or year. Students should contact departments to determine these more restrictive requirements.

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All applicants who have received notice of admission into Graduate School may register during the appropriate registration periods prior to each semester. Online registration is available to admitted students. To expedite completion of the registration procedure, all recipients of graduate teaching assistantships, graduate fellowships, and/or scholarships to be applied toward tuition and fees must preregister.

Restricted Registration

Any graduate student receiving a grade of C+ or below in two graduate courses on his or her program of study, or whose GPA falls below 3.0, will automatically be blocked from registering for additional courses. For the block to be removed, the student’s department or college/division must communicate to the Graduate School in writing its wish to allow the student to continue in the program. Please note that some programs vary in their restrictions with regard to this policy; contact the graduate program director or department chair for specific details.

Continuing Registration for Graduate Students

Graduate students who have registered for one or more credits of master's project, master's paper, master's thesis, or doctoral thesis or dissertation (usually, courses numbered 6650, 6651, 6699, 7750, or 8850) must be registered for at least one graduate credit during subsequent semesters, excluding the summer semester, until they have completed their degrees. Students who, for compelling reasons, wish to interrupt their work on projects, theses, or dissertations may request, in writing, a leave of absence from the Graduate School.

Graduate students who fail to meet the continuing registration requirement will be judged to have dropped out of their programs and will no longer enjoy access to university resources, including the library and computer facilities. In order to regain access to university resources, students will be required to reapply to the Graduate School and be readmitted. A corollary of this requirement is that a graduate student must be registered for at least one graduate credit in order to take a final oral examination or be processed for graduation. Any student who registers for the required credit and then subsequently drops the credit will be considered in violation of this policy.

Registration without Permission

Students who register for graduate courses in violation of any restriction printed in the Graduate Catalog or written on their Admission notification, or who register for graduate courses after receiving a letter of dismissal from the department or college/division that admitted them, will be dropped from these graduate course(s) as soon as the violation is discovered.

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Unclassified (Non-degree Seeking Students) Status

Individuals holding a bachelor's degree who desire to take courses for graduate credit for personal or professional enrichment but who do not want to pursue a graduate degree are eligible to apply for admission to Unclassified (non-degree seeking) status. Students who are admitted to Unclassified status are allowed to register for a maximum of 9 graduate credits per semester. Since an Unclassified status student is not seeking a degree, course and/or program advising, except on an informal basis if requested, will not be provided.

Admission Requirements for Unclassified (Non-Degree seeking) students

Individuals who apply for Unclassified status admission must submit the following information and meet the following requirements:

  1. A baccalaureate degree, or higher, from a regionally accredited educational institution in the United States, or the equivalent from an educational institution in another country. Non-degree seeking applicants must provide a transcript showing proof of degree. Non-degree seeking students who have already earned a master's or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited institution or equivalent higher degree acquired in another country need only have the copy of advanced degree/s transcript submitted in lieu of a bachelor's degree transcript. 

  2. A copy of a transcript indicating that a baccalaureate degree, or higher, was awarded, including the date the degree was awarded.

  3. A mandatory $30.00 non-refundable application processing fee.

Academic departments may have additional requirements and/or may restrict enrollment of Unclassified graduate students to specific courses. Unclassified graduate students must meet all prerequisites for each class in which they want to enroll.

Changing from Unclassified to Classified Degree-Seeking Student

If an Unclassified student wishes to pursue a graduate degree at Idaho State University, the student must (1) meet the requirements for admission as a Classified student, including payment of a $65 application fee and, (2) complete all aspects of the Classified status application procedure for a specific degree program, detailed above in the "Admission Requirements" section.

After admission as a Classified student, students may petition the Dean of the Graduate School to transfer course work taken while in Unclassified status to a degree program. This petition must have the written support of the degree program for each course. The total number of such credits transferred shall not be more than 30% of the total credits for the program of study required for a particular degree.

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Admission of Last-Semester Seniors

Seniors in residence at Idaho State University and Brigham Young University-Idaho may register for no more than 6 graduate credits during the semester or summer session in which they will complete the work for a bachelor’s degree at Idaho State University or Brigham Young University-Idaho. This option is reserved for outstanding seniors who are seriously considering attending Idaho State University for graduate education. This registration must be approved by the course instructor, by the student’s advisor, and the department chairperson.

The student’s load, including both graduate and undergraduate credit, may not exceed 16 credits, or 9 credits in the case of summer school. A senior selecting this option must file an Application for Admission with the Graduate School when he/she requests permission to take graduate level courses. Application deadlines for admission of last-semester seniors are the same as those for degree-seeking graduate students.

PharmD students may apply and be admitted to the Graduate School after completing 120 credits if they meet all application requirements.

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Admission Requirements for Professional Development

Students - K-12 Teachers (5597 Courses)

The Graduate School recognizes the need for K-12 teachers certified in Idaho to improve their professional capabilities. In most cases, the courses are workshops or short courses that can be taken in a compressed time period. These types of courses are “advanced” with respect to the students who enroll, but are not courses that a particular discipline offers to a student with the goal of earning an advanced degree. Therefore, professional development courses are offered by many departments to meet the perceived need of individuals, and are treated differently in the following respects:

  1. Students may enroll in professional development courses offered under the 5597 number without the necessity of being admitted to Graduate School. However, they must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution at the time they enter the class or receive special permission from the Dean of the Graduate School if they are last-semester seniors at Idaho State University.

  2. The credits earned will not count toward an advanced degree nor may they be petitioned to count at a later date.

  3. There is no limit to the number of 5597 credits that a student may earn.

  4. All instructors of 5597 courses must have an advanced graduate degree.

  5. For each 5597 course in which students enroll, students must certify that they possess a baccalaureate degree and agree to the conditions by which they are permitted to register for the course.

  6. Students who have been admitted into the Graduate School are permitted to take 5597 courses.

  7. Departments shall determine if and when professional development courses are to be offered with their prefix.

Students (5598P Courses)

The Graduate School recognizes the need for individuals to improve their professional capabilities. In most cases, the courses can be taken in a compressed time period. These types of courses are “advanced” with respect to the students who enroll, but are not usually courses that a particular discipline offers to a student with the goal of earning an advanced degree. Therefore, professional development courses are offered by many departments to meet the perceived need and are treated differently in the following respects:

  1. Students may enroll in professional development courses offered under the 5598P number without the necessity of being admitted to Graduate School. However, they must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution at the time they enter the class or receive special permission from the Dean of the Graduate School if they are last-semester seniors at Idaho State University.

  2. The credits earned will not count toward an advanced degree unless a petition is filed within three years of the last day of the course. The petition must have the following documentation: (1) A copy of the instructor's curriculum vita, (2) A copy of the course syllabus (including a list of achievement measures), (3) A copy of the class list (with grades). (The Office of Continuing Education, and/or the department or college offering the course will provide materials not otherwise available to the student).

  3. While there is no limit to the number of 5598P credits that a student may earn, a maximum of three credits may be petitioned for use to satisfy elective credits in the student's program of study. 5598P courses may not be substituted for "required" courses.

  4. All instructors of 5598P courses must have an advanced graduate degree.

  5. For each 5598P course in which students enroll, students must certify that they possess a baccalaureate degree and agree to the conditions by which they are permitted to register for the course.

  6. Students who have been admitted into the Graduate School are permitted to take 5598P courses. If they desire to use 5598P credits in their degree program, a petition must be filed for each course in accordance with the procedures described.

  7. Departments shall determine if and when professional development courses are to be offered with their prefix.

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Accelerated Programs Policy

Idaho State University offers Accelerated Degree programs (also known as 4+1 or 3+2 programs) through the collaboration of various undergraduate and graduate or professional programs. These Accelerated Programs will allow academically qualified students with Junior or Senior status at Idaho State University to earn an undergraduate and a graduate degree in less time than it would take if they were to pursue each degree separately. 
Participation in an accelerated program allows undergraduate students to take a maximum of 12 credits of Idaho State University graduate-level coursework as part of their undergraduate curriculum, and those credits will count towards both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Students must still earn 120 credits to graduate with an undergraduate degree from Idaho State University and must complete a minimum of 30 credits of graduate work to earn a master's degree.
Students must be formally approved by their departments to pursue an Accelerated Program.  Acceptance into the accelerated program is contingent upon the student meeting the existing criteria for acceptance into the department’s master’s-level program and into the graduate school. It should be noted that students in an Accelerated Program will have the baccalaureate degree conferred before the master’s degree, and no undergraduate-level credits may count towards the awarding of the master’s degree.
Programs that wish to develop an Accelerated program should submit proposals jointly to the Undergraduate Curriculum Council and the Graduate Council delineating up to 12 credits of graduate coursework completed at Idaho State University that an undergraduate student may take towards fulfillment of the undergraduate degree.
Departments will be required, in conjunction with the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Academic Advising, to set forth a degree plan that specifies the ways in which the graduate maximum of 12 credits will count towards the completion of the undergraduate degree.
The up-to-12 credits of graduate coursework completed as part of the undergraduate degree can count in partial fulfillment of the required 36 credits of upper-division work required for all bachelor’s degrees.
Once approved, programs may enroll students into the Accelerated degree option the catalog year following approval.
Grades and credits earned in the graduate coursework taken as an undergraduate will appear on both the undergraduate and graduate transcripts and be counted in the student's GPA on both transcripts. This coursework can be used to fulfill both graduate and undergraduate degree requirements.  Course outcomes must meet department and graduate school standards for the credit to be awarded.
Should a student be accepted into an accelerated program and complete graduate coursework during their undergraduate studies and choose not to pursue a graduate degree, the graduate courses completed as part of the program will still count towards completion of the undergraduate degree.
Should a student defer their graduate studies, the existing threshold of 8 years to transfer credit towards completion of a graduate program will determine whether credits completed during the undergraduate degree can be counted towards the graduate degree.

This framework is intended to outline the minimum requirements and to serve as a guideline for individual departments as they propose accelerated programs. (return to top of page)

Graduate Certificates Policy

We currently offer 23 stackable graduate certificates, the majority of which are online programs. 

Up to 12 credits of graduate courses taken while concurrently enrolled in a degree program and a certificate program may be double-counted towards the requirements for both with the approval of the directors of the certificate and degree program as well as the Graduate School. Individual programs may have additional provisions or restrictions related to the double-counting of credits between a certificate and a degree. Please see the specific certificate or degree program description in this catalog for any additional applicable information. Students who have earned certificates previously and are returning to ISU to pursue a degree should contact their program director to discuss the possibility of previous relevant certificate credits being used in their new degree program.

In no case is it permissible for credits appearing on the program of study for one graduate certificate to be counted towards a second graduate certificate.

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International Admissions

Applications for admission to Graduate School are processed in the Graduate School. Applications will not be processed until the processing fee has been received. The deadline for international students to apply is June 1st for fall semester enrollment and October 1st for spring semester enrollment. Programs that admit international students for the summer semester, will have a deadline of February 15. In addition to the admission requirements listed previously, international students must meet the following conditions:

  1. International students must send official transcripts in English; or students may submit an official report from a credential evaluation service that includes a verified copy of transcripts. The credential evaluation service must be a member of NACES (
  2. As a step toward obtaining a U.S. visa, international students must submit a financial statement to the Graduate School verifying that they will be able to support themselves financially for a minimum of one year while attending Idaho State University. This document must consist of a statement or letter from a bank indicating that funds are available and accessible. The amount of money available to the student must be listed on the financial statement. A graduate assistantship or fellowship awarded by a department or college/division may be used as part of this amount.
  3. International students who have not graduated from an accredited college or university in the United States (at the undergraduate and/or graduate level), and whose native language is not English, typically must achieve satisfactory scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or the Duolingo English Test. Exceptions to the testing requirement are students from countries where English is the official language. Examples of such countries include: Australia, Canada, Commonwealth Caribbean countries, Ghana, the Republic of Ireland, Liberia, Kenya, New Zealand, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). Satisfactory TOEFL requirements for Classified admission are: (1) Internet-based test (iBT): a total score of 80 with a score of at least 20 on each Section (graduate assistants who teach courses must score 23 or above on the Speaking Section) on the iBT; or (2) Computer-based test: a total score of 213 with a score of at least 21 on Section 1 (Listening Comprehension) on the computer test; or (3) Paper-based test: a total score of 550 with a score of at least 55 on Section l (Listening Comprehension) on the paper test. Information about the TOEFL, including test dates and locations in international countries, can be obtained from Educational Testing Service (ETS) at Satisfactory IELTS performance for Classified admission includes scoring 6.5 or higher on the total band score. Graduate assistants who teach courses must score 6.5 or above on the speaking test component. Satisfactory Duolingo performance for Classified admission includes scoring 110 or higher. Graduate assistants who teach courses must score 110 or above on the Conversation subscore. An international student may also meet the English language proficiency requirement by achieving a Level 112 from an ELS Language Center, or satisfactory completion of the Intensive English Institute courses at Idaho State University (seenote below). PHOTOCOPIES OF TOEFL OR IELTS SCORES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Note: Some departments have established different admission standards. Please see department sections of this catalog and the department's website for complete information.

  4. International students may not enter the United States for graduate study without a U.S. Immigration (I-20) form. This form will be issued by the International Programs Office after the student is approved for admission by the Dean of the Graduate School. International students are urged to remain in their own countries until they receive notice of acceptance.
  5. International students transferring from a school within the United States must be “IN STATUS” with Immigration and Naturalization Services to be issued an I-20 form from Idaho State University. A transfer form will be sent after the application has been received, to be completed as verification of acceptable immigration status.
  6. International applicants who wish to be considered for summer admission must submit a complete application by February 15 (prior to the summer start term). International applications submitted after this date will be updated with a start term for the following Fall term. However, some programs only begin during the summer session. For these programs additional latitude may be considered.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Graduate School at (208)282-2270 or

ISU's Intensive English (IEI) Program:

Graduate students may be exempted from the English Proficiency Conditions stated above if they have successfully completed ISU’s Intensive English Institute’s program of study with a grade of B- or better in each of the Advanced English II courses, receive a recommendation from an IEI instructor, and fulfill all other requirements from the department in question. Graduate teaching assistants whose native language is not English may also be required to submit a filmed presentation and a writing sample to the desired department for approval.