B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Including the University General Education Requirements listed elsewhere (8 of the 9 General Education Objectives, a minimum of 36 credits--see the General Education Requirements in the Academic Information section of this catalog), the program of study for the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree totals a minimum of 120 credits as follows:

General Education

The listing below includes program requirements that also fulfill General Education requirements.

Objective 16
Objective 23
Objective 3- MATH 11704
Objective 46
Objective 5- CHEM 1111 & CHEM 1111L, PHYS 22119
Objective 66
Students must fulfill Objective 7 or Objective 83
Objective 7
Objective 8
Objective 93
Total Credits40

Additional Mathematics and Science Course Requirements:

MATH 1170Calculus I (Satisfies General Education Objective 3)4
MATH 1175Calculus II4
MATH 2240Linear Algebra3
MATH 2275Calculus III4
MATH 3360Differential Equations3
CHEM 1111General Chemistry I (Partially satisfies General Education Objective 5)4
CHEM 1111LGeneral Chemistry I Lab (Partially satisfies General Education Objective 5)1
PHYS 2211Engineering Physics I (Partially satisfies General Education Objective 5)4
The three previous courses together satisfy Objective 5.
PHYS 2212Engineering Physics II4
Total Credits31

 Mechanical Engineering Course Requirements:

CE/ME 2210Engineering Statics 13
CE/ME 3350Mechanics of Materials 13
CE 3360Engineering Economics2-3
or CE 3361 Engineering Economics and Management
ME 1105Solid Modeling2
ME 1165Structured Programming2
CE/ME 2220Engineering Dynamics 13
ME 3307Thermodynamics 13
ME 3320Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 13
ME 3322Mechanical Engineering Materials3
ME 3323Machine Design3
ME 3325Advanced Machine Design3
CE/ME 3341Fluid Mechanics 13
ME 4406Measurement Systems Laboratory2
ME 4440Vibration Analysis3
ME 4443Thermal Fluids Laboratory1
ME 4463Mechanical Systems Design3
ME 4465Thermal Fluid System Design3
ME 4473Mechanical Control Systems3
ME 4476Heat Transfer3
ME 4496AProject Design I3
ME 4496BProject Design II3
ME Electives 26
Total Credits63-64

Course may involve evening examinations and/or presentations.


Students are to consult with their advisors and choose courses that will complement their engineering education.

For students interested in focusing their ME degree in the Systems area, suggested electives are:

MATH 3350Statistical Methods3
MATH 3352Introduction to Probability3
ME 3355System Dynamics3
ME 4415Model Theory3
ME 4421Engineering Modeling, Analysis, & Simulation3
ME 4425Mechatronics3
ME 4464Engineering Numerical Techniques3

 For students interested in focusing their ME degree in the Thermal/Fluids area, suggested electives are:

ME 3355System Dynamics3
CE 4435Hydraulic Design3
ME 4451Compressible Fluid Flow3
ME 4421Engineering Modeling, Analysis, & Simulation3
ME 4464Engineering Numerical Techniques3

 For students interested in focusing their ME degree in the Robotics and Mechanical Design area, suggested electives are:

CE 4431Advanced Mechanics of Solids3
ME 3353Manufacturing Processes3
ME 4425Mechatronics3
ME 4421Engineering Modeling, Analysis, & Simulation3
ME 4464Engineering Numerical Techniques3

For students interested in focusing their ME degree in the Energy area, suggested electives are:

ME 4421Engineering Modeling, Analysis, & Simulation3
ME 4464Engineering Numerical Techniques3
NE 3301Nuclear Engineering I3
NE 3302Nuclear Engineering II3
NE 4419Energy Systems and Nuclear Power3

Degree Totals 

Program Admission Requirements0
General Education40
Major Requirements (Required General Education credits removed)81-82
Free Electives0
Total Credits121-122

ISU Degree Requirements

ISU General Education

Major Academic Plan (MAP)