Minor in Applied Mathematics

CS 1181Computer Science and Programming I (Satisfies General Education Objective 7) 13
MATH 1170Calculus I (Satisfies General Education Objective 3)4
MATH 1175Calculus II4
MATH 2275Calculus III4
MATH 2240Linear Algebra3
Choose nine credits of the following (at least three must be at the 4000-level):9
Mathematical Modeling
Elementary Analysis
Vector Analysis
Introduction to Probability
Differential Equations
Introduction to Complex Variables
Numerical Linear Algebra
Advanced Engineering Mathematics I
Advanced Engineering Mathematics II
Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
Introduction to Numerical Analysis II
Topics in Applied Mathematics 2
Partial Differential Equations
Total Credits27

Students may take both ME 1165 Structured Programming and ME 2266 Symbolic Programming instead of CS 1181.


This is a 1-3 credit course, repeated for up to 3 credits.