B.A. Geology

Program Admissions Requirements

There are no program admission requirements for the BA in Geology

General Education

The listing below includes program requirements that also fulfill General Education requirements.

Objective 16
Objective 23
Objective 3 - MATH 1143 or MATH 1147 13
Objective 46
Objective 5 - CHEM 1111, CHEM 1111L8
Objective 6 6
Students must fulfill Objective 7 or Objective 83
Objective 7 - GEOL 1107
Objective 8
Objective 93
Total Credits38

"P" courses are equivalent to the original course. 

Major Requirements

CHEM 1111
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Lab (Partially satisfies General Education Objective 5) 1
Choose one of the following:5
Precalculus I: Algebra
and Precalculus II: Trigonometry (Satisfies General Education Objective 3) 2
GEOL 1107Real Monsters (Satisfies General Education Objective 7) 33
GEOL 2204
Fluid Earth
and Fluid Earth Lab
GEOL 2205
Solid Earth
and Solid Earth Lab
GEOL 3310Geologic Field Methods3
GEOL 3313Earth Materials I4
GEOL 3315Evolution of the Earth's Surface4
GEOL 3392Geosciences Careers Seminar1
GEOL 4403
Principles of Geographic Information Systems
and Principles of GIS Laboratory
GEOL 4421Structural Geology4
GEOL 4452Sedimentation-Stratigraphy4
GEOL 4456Geology of Idaho2-3
or GEOL 4458 Geology of North America
Plus at least one other upper division geoscience class to equal 40 GEOL credits.
Total Credits50

MATH 1143, MATH 1147, or equivalent,  is required for CHEM 1111; MATH 1143 and MATH 1144 or MATH 1147, or equivalent,  is required for GEOL 4421.


Transfer students may substitute other appropriate courses for GEOL 1107 with the permission of the Geosciences Department Chair or Geosciences Undergraduate Advisor.

Degree Totals

Program Admission Requirements0
General Education38
Major Requirements (Required General Education credits removed.)39
Upper Division Free Electives15
Free Electives28
Total Credits120

ISU Degree Requirements

ISU General Education

Major Academic Plan (MAP)