Psychology Faculty
Swift, Joshua, Professor, Psychology. B.S. 2005, Brigham Young University; M.S. 2007, Ph.D. 2010, Oklahoma State University. (2015)
Brumley, Michele R., Associate VP for Research; Professor, Psychology; B.A. 1999, DePaul University; Ph.D. 2005, University of Iowa. (2007)
Lawyer, Steven R., Professor and Director of Clinical Training, Psychology. B.A. 1995, Western Michigan University; M.S. 1999, Ph.D. 2002, Auburn University. (2004)
Lynch, Shannon M., Professor, Psychology. B.A. 1992, Tufts University; M.A. 1996, Ph.D. 1999, University of Michigan. (2004)
Rasmussen, Erin B., Professor, Psychology. B.A. 1994, University of Utah; M.S. 1999, Ph.D. 2001, Auburn University. (2004)
Turley-Ames, Kandi Jo, Founding Dean, College of Arts and Letters; Professor, Psychology. B.S. 1990, M.S. 1993, Idaho State University; Ph.D. 1996, Washington State University. (1997)
Wong, Maria M., Professor, Psychology. B.S.S. 1983, Chinese University of Hong Kong; M.A. 1985, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Ph.D. 1993, University of Chicago. (2004)
Xu, Xiaomeng, Professor and Director of Experimental Training, Psychology. B.A. 2005, New York University; M.A. 2007, Ph.D. 2011, Stony Brook University. (2012)
Associate Professors
Fulton, Erika K., Associate Professor, Psychology. B.A. 1998, Haverford College; M.A. 2010, California State University, Long Beach; Ph.D. 2015, Georgia Institute of Technology. (2016)
Peer, Sam, Associate Professor, Psychology. B.A. 2011, Wilmington University; M.A. 2016, Central Michigan University; Ph.D. 2018, Central Michigan University. (2018)
Rieske, Robert, Associate Professor, Psychology. B.S. 2008, Utah Valley University; M.A. 2012, Ph.D. 2015, Louisiana State University. (2015)
Assistant Professors
Behmer, Lawrence, Assistant Professor, Psychology. B.A. 2008, University of Portland; M.S. 2010, Western Washington University; Ph.D. 2014, Washington State University. (2021)
Emert, Sarah, Assistant Professor, Psychology, B.A. 2011m University of Arizona; M.A. 2016, University of Alabama; Ph.D. 2020, University of Alabama. (2023)
Molino, Pete S., Lecturer and ABA Coordinator, Psychology. B.S. in Social Work 1994, M.Educ., Human Exceptionality 2003, Idaho State University. Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
Associate Lecturer
McDonald, Jennifer, Associate Lecturer, Psychology. B.A. 2011, California State University Channel Islands; M.S. 2014, Ph.D. 2018, Idaho State University. (2018)
Anderson, Tessa, Associate Lecturer, Psychology. B.A. 2006, M.S. 2010, Idaho State University. (2022)
Adjunct Faculty
Hendrickson, Kelsie, Adjunct Faculty, Psychology. B.S. 2009, M.S. 2012, Ph.D. 2015, Idaho State University. Licensed Psychologist.
Pongratz, Richard, Director, Counseling & Mental Health Center; Adjunct Faculty, Psychology. Ph.D. 2005, Arizona State University. LPC-S, Licensed Psychologist.
Thomsen, Hillary, Adjunct Faculty, Psychology. B.S. 2012, M.S. 2017, Ph.D. 2018, Idaho State University.
Wood Roberts, Barbara, Adjunct Faculty, Psychology. B.A. 1987, Harvard University; M.S. 2013, Ph.D. 2018, Idaho State University.
Enloe, Linda J., Associate Professor, Psychology. 1974-2007
Hatzenbuehler, Linda C., Executive Dean and Associate Vice President, Division of Health Sciences; Professor, Psychology. 1976-2016
Joe, Victor C., Department Chair and Professor, Psychology. 1969-2003
Roberts, Mark W., Professor and Director of Clinical Training, Psychology. 1977-2015