B.A. Spanish

Program Admissions Requirements

There are no program admission requirements for the B.A. in Spanish.

General Education

The listing below includes program requirements that also fulfill General Education requirements.

Objective 16
Objective 23
Objective 3 - MATH 1123 Recommended 13
Objective 4 - SPAN 1101 or SPAN 1102 and another Objective 4 course from the Humanities or Fine Arts categories.7
Objective 57
Objective 66
Students must fulfill Objective 7 or Objective 83
Objective 7
Objective 8
Objective 9 - SPAN 2201 or SPAN 22024
Total Credits39

“P” courses are equivalent to the original course.

Major Requirements

Basic Language Component16
Elementary Spanish I
Elementary Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I
Intermediate Spanish II
Advanced Language and Culture Component27
Intensive Conversation 1
Spanish Conversation and Composition
Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization
Survey of Latin American Cultures
Spanish Advanced Grammar
Select at least 9 credits of elective coursework from SPAN, LANG or GLBL.
All required courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C- (C minus).
Total Credits43

The 3300 Intensive Conversation course may be waived if the candidate earns an Intermediate High or above on the ACTFL OPI. Please speak to an advisor. 

All students wishing to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish must take the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Please see your advisor for information regarding this exam.

Degree Totals

Program Admission Requirements0
General Education39
Major Requirements (w/o General Education)35
Upper Division Free Electives16
Free Electives30
Total Credits120

ISU Degree Requirements

ISU General Education

Major Academic Plan (MAP)