B.A. English, Creative Writing Option

Program Admissions Requirements

There are no program admission requirements for the B.A. in English, Literary option.

General Education

The listing below includes program requirements that also fulfill General Education requirements.

Objective 16
Objective 23
Objective 3 - MATH 1123 Recommended 13
Objective 46
Objective 57
Objective 6 6
Students must fulfill Objective 7 or Objective 83
Objective 7
Objective 8
Objective 93
Total Credits37

 “P” courses are equivalent to the original course.   

Major Requirements

ENGL 2206Creative Writing Workshop3
ENGL 2211Introduction to Literary Analysis3
ENGL 2280Grammar and Usage3
or ENGL 2281 Introduction to Language Studies
ENGL 3306Intermediate Creative Writing Workshop3
ENGL 3311Literary Criticism and Theory3
ENGL 4406Advanced Poetry Workshop3
ENGL 4408Advanced Fiction Workshop3
or ENGL 4403 Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
ENGL 4494Senior Seminar in Creative Writing3
Literary Histories6
Take TWO of the following survey courses:
Survey of World Literature I Beginnings through 16th Century
Survey of World Literature II 17th Century to Present
Survey of British Literature I Beginnings through 18th Century
Survey of British Literature II 19th Century to Present
Survey of American Literature I Beginnings to 1860
Survey of American Literature II 1860 to Present
Studies in Genre6
Take TWO of the following:
Art of the Film II
Drama and Performance
Poetry and Poetics
Studies in Fiction
Studies in Non-Fiction
Special Topics in Genre
Studies in Identity and Place3
Take ONE of the following:
Gender and Sexuality in Literature
Literature of the American West
Studies in Black Literatures
Studies in Latino Literatures
Studies in Asian Literatures
Studies in Indigenous Literatures
Postcolonial Literature
Literature and the Environment
Literature and Religion
Topics in Literature, Identity, and Place
Literary Histories II3
Take ONE of the following:
Studies in Classical Literature
Studies in Medieval Literature
Studies in Renaissance Literature
Studies in Seventeenth-Century Literature
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature
Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature
Studies in Twenty-first-Century Literature
Studies in a Single Author or Circle Pre-1800
Studies in a Single Author or Circle Post-1800
Shakespeare in Performance
Advanced Writing Courses3
Take ONE of the following:
Advanced Composition
Creative Writing: Forms and Craft
Creative Writing in the Schools
Literary Magazine Production
To graduate as an English major, a student must maintain at least a 2.25 grade point average in courses within the English curriculum.
Total Credits45

​Degree Totals

Program Admission Requirements0
General Education37
Major Requirements45
Upper Division Free Electives6
Free Electives32
Total Credits120

ISU Degree Requirements

ISU General Education

Major Academic Plan (MAP)