MGT 1101 Introduction to Business: 3 semester hours.
Relates the business person and business enterprise to the economy as a whole, describes the major field of business in terms of functions and opportunities, and charts the significant relationship to government and society. D
MGT 1105 Entrepreneurship and Civilization: 3 semester hours.
To chart how the pursuit of economic opportunity by private individuals and businesses has been a prime mover in revolutionizing civilization throughout history, and presently. Students will develop their own entrepreneurial idea and explain its impact on their local communities. F, S
MGT 1116 Mathematics for Business: 3 semester hours.
This course will cover mathematical and problem solving skills needed for future business courses and careers in business. In class, we will focus on business applications specific, but not restricted to, the disciplines of Accounting, Economics, Finance, Health Care Administration, Informatics, Management, and Marketing. F, S, D
MGT 1199 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.
The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.
MGT 2210 Entrepreneurship Opportunity Creation and Discovery: 3 semester hours.
Learn to develop business opportunities by applying creative solutions to important problems. Conduct an initial feasibility of new business opportunities. D
MGT 2216 Business Statistics: 3 semester hours.
Descriptive statistics, probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing including one and two sample z/t-tests, chi-square and ANOVA. Emphasis on statistical software to analyze data for business decision making. Satisfies Objective 3 of the General Education Requirements. PREREQ: ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101P and MATH 1108 or MGT 1116, or TGE 1140. F, S
MGT 2217 Applied Business Statistics: 3 semester hours.
Linear and multiple regression, forecasting and statistical process control. Emphasis on use of statistical software; written and oral communication of statistical information in a business setting. PREREQ: MGT 2216 and MATH 1108 or MGT 1116. F, S
MGT 2261 Legal Environment of Organizations: 3 semester hours.
Covers the legal, ethical, social, economic, political, and regulatory environment of business. Topics include: Business ethics, constitutional law, tort law, product liability, antitrust, employment law, securities regulation, and bankruptcy. PREREQ: Sophomore standing. F, S
MGT 2299 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.
The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.
MGT 3303 Management Concepts: 3 semester hours.
A basic overview of management concepts focusing primarily on managing people in organizations. Available to non-business majors only. D
MGT 3312 Individual and Organizational Behavior: 3 semester hours.
Study of internal structure and function of organizations and management practices. Provides theoretical and conceptual bases for analyzing relationships among individual, group, and total system behavior in achievement of organizational objectives within larger organizational environments. PREREQ: ENGL 1102 or HONS 1101. F, S
MGT 3329 Operations and Supply Chain Management: 3 semester hours.
Key concepts include the basic philosophy, strategy, ethics, and analytical techniques important to global operations and supply chain decisions. PREREQ: MGT 2217 and completion of lower division requirements. PRE-or-COREQ: BA 3316. F, S
MGT 3345 Critical Analysis and Creative Problem Solving: 3 semester hours.
Provides processes and techniques for formulating and solving business-relevant problems. The ability to effectively communicate the results of the problem-solving process, especially in writing, is also stressed. PREREQ: ENGL 1102. F, S
MGT 3393 Management Internship: 1-3 semester hours.
Internship program coordinated by faculty providing significant exposure to management issues. May not be used to fulfill major requirements. May be repeated for up to 3 credits. Graded S/U. F, S
MGT 4410 Entrepreneurship Opportunity Feasibility and Planning: 3 semester hours.
Conduct a detailed feasibility analysis of a business idea and complete a business plan using sound business principles. Equivalent to MKTG 4410. PREREQ: MGT 2210 or MKTG 2225; Business major or permission of dean. D
MGT 4411 Small Business and Entrepreneurship Practicum: 3 semester hours.
Advanced students address eastern Idaho entrepreneurship and small business issues. Projects address complex business problems under the supervision of a senior consultant. Class discussions supplement field work. Equivalent to MKTG 4411. PREREQ: Senior status or permission of instructor. D
MGT 4412 Entrepreneurial Solutions: 3 semester hours.
Advanced students create entrepreneurial market offering ideas and put such ideas through a commercialization process to test their viability. Entrepreneurial Market offering ideas address complex business problems under the supervision of a senior consultant. Class discussions supplement field work. PREREQ: Senior status or permission of instructor. D
MGT 4420 Native American Organizational Systems: 3 semester hours.
Analysis of factors and dimensions to be considered in the structure and design of contemporary Native American organizations. Comparison of contemporary Native organizational systems with traditional Native organizational approaches and contemporary non-Native organizations. PREREQ: MGT 3312 or permission of instructor. D
MGT 4422 Native American Enterprise: 3 semester hours.
Approaches, strategies, and models utilized in developing tribally-owned and privately-owned Native American businesses across the U.S. and Canada. Analysis of social, economic, and environmental contingency factors that contribute to successful establishment of Native American businesses. PREREQ: Junior standing or permission of instructor. D
MGT 4432 New Product Management: 3 semester hours.
Analysis of new product ideas: screening, business analysis, prototype development, market testing, and commercialization of goods and services. Includes diffusion of innovation issues in consumer and industrial markets. Equivalent to MKTG 4432. PREREQ: MKTG 2225. D
MGT 4434 Productivity and Quality: 3 semester hours.
Study of the factors involved in an organization's productivity and quality of product or service. PREREQ: MGT 2216 or MATH 1153 or higher. D
MGT 4441 Leading in Organizations: 3 semester hours.
Skills-oriented approach to the understanding and application of behavioral theories and concepts to organizational problems. Emphasis on leadership skill awareness and development through applying conceptual knowledge to case studies and skill practice scenarios. PREREQ: MGT 3312. D
MGT 4451 Logistics Management: 3 semester hours.
The course of Logistics Management addresses the strategic and operational role of the logistics function within the organization and between firms. This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts and components of integrated logistics management, and to provide students with understanding of the business context, opportunities, and challenges faced by today?s supply chain professionals and managers from the perspective of logistics. The topics of this course include the role of logistics within supply chain management, modes of transportation, inventory management, warehousing, material handling and packaging management, network design, vehicle routing, order fulfillment and customer relationship management, etc. Preqreq MGT 2216 or MATH 1153
MGT 4452 Procurement and Supply Management: 3 semester hours.
The course of Procurement and Supply Management addresses the strategic and operational role of the procurement and supply function within the organization and between firms. This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts applicable to the procurement of both products and services, and to provide students with understanding of business context, opportunities, and challenges faced by today?s supply chain professionals and managers from the perspective of purchasing, sourcing, procurement, and supply management. The topics of this course include role of procurement within supply chain management, procurement and supply management strategies, commodity management, make or buy decisions, supplier selection and management, cost management, contract management and negotiation, global sourcing, etc.
MGT 4460 Strategic Management: 3 semester hours.
A capstone course which integrates the functional areas of business designed to provide insight into how business decisions are made. PREREQ: Senior standing and BA 3316, FIN 3315, MGT 3312, MGT 3329 and MKTG 2225. F, S
MGT 4462 Business Ethics: 3 semester hours.
Seminar course designed to focus thinking on critical issues facing managers making ethical decisions regarding employees and other stakeholder groups, the community, and the environment. PREREQ: Senior standing or permission of instructor. D
MGT 4470 Advanced Sales: 3 semester hours.
This course teaches students advanced sales strategies and tactics from world-class sales professionals with an emphasis on business-to-business (B2B) selling. Practical skills include the art of persuasion, communicating with impact, interpersonal relationships and self-awareness through the science of emotional intelligence. Students study a variety of selling methodologies and practice real-world application through role play and scenario-based exercises. Designed for students who: 1) desire a sales-based career or 2) need to understand sales in pursuit of a career path as a senior executive/entrepreneur. 3) For those who need to understand sales in pursuit of a sales support role. D
MGT 4473 Human Resource Management: 3 semester hours.
Introduction to the methodology of employee selection, employment and development; personnel supervision and management; financial compensation; job analysis; behavioral tools and techniques employed to deal with personnel problems, and contemporary problems of manpower management. PREREQ: MGT 3312. F, S
MGT 4474 Advanced Human Resource Management: 3 semester hours.
In-depth study of selected personnel/human resources management topics, including employee selection, performance evaluation, and compensation administration. PREREQ: MGT 2217 and MGT 4473. S
MGT 4475 Health Law and Bioethics: 3 semester hours.
This course develops a roadmap to facilitate risk management in the provision of healthcare services. Issues addressed include regulation and licensure, liability, selected aspects of public programs, and ethical issues regarding death, reproduction, and research. Equivalent to HCA 4475. F, S
MGT 4480 Labor and Employment Law: 3 semester hours.
State and federal laws, domestic and foreign, governing employment relationships, including labor-management relations, discrimination and employee rights, work place safety, compensation and benefits, and related topics. PREREQ: MGT 2261 or MGT 4473. F
MGT 4482 Project Management: 3 semester hours.
Philosophy and tools of Traditional and Agile Project Management utilizing applied methodologies. Addresses the independent, interdependent and opportunity for co-existence of both forms of project management. PREREQ: MGT 2216 or MATH 1153 or higher. D
MGT 4484 International Collegiate Business Strategy Competition: 3 semester hours.
Students apply to compete in an international strategy team competition. Early rounds of the competition take place on campus. The final rounds take place over an intensive weekend in various off-campus locations. Graded S/U. May be repeated one time. PREREQ: Permission of the instructor. D
MGT 4485 Collaborative Creativity: 3 semester hours.
Students will learn and apply principles of teamwork and collaboration through a semester-long collaborative project. Past projects have included researching historical photos and writing captions that collectively make up a book that tells the story of local people and organizations (published by an international book publisher). PREREQ: Permission of the instructor. D
MGT 4492 Special Problems in Management: 2-3 semester hours.
Research and reports on selected problems or topics in management and organization. May be repeated for up to 9 credits with different content and permission of major advisor and the Dean. PREREQ: Senior or Graduate status in Business, and permission of the Dean. F, S, Su
MGT 4499 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.
The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.