Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)

How to Read Course Descriptions


FCS 1100 Family and Consumer Sciences Professions: 1 semester hour.

An introduction to professional careers in related fields. Candidate and career expectations, career options, leadership, balancing work and family, publications, and research directed toward the development of emancipated professionals. S

FCS 2209 Early Childhood Environments: 3 semester hours.

Study of home and school environments as foundations for fostering young children's learning. Emphasis on materials, space, schedule, and verbal interactions. Field experience required. PRE-or-COREQ: EDUC 2201. OS

FCS 2229 Textile Products: 3 semester hours.

Study of the interactive relationship among fibers, fabrics, and the construction of textile products. Information applied within the context of home and family use. ES

FCS 3314 Interior Design and Housing: 3 semester hours.

Study of individual housing needs and alternatives including practical applications and decision making. Emphasis on social-psychological aspects of housing. Topics include dwelling design, construction, financing, remodeling, and interior furnishings. EF

FCS 3332 Methods in Family and Consumer Sciences: 3 semester hours.

Organization of professional-technical programs as influenced by legislation, State guidelines, association standards, and philosophical frameworks. Designed to prepare the family consumer science teacher with the necessary methodology to successfully teach courses at the secondary level. F

FCS 4429 Social and Psychological Aspects of Clothing: 3 semester hours.

Study of clothing as a tool of self-expression and social interaction. Various personal and societal contexts emphasized. OF

FCS 4431 Family Resource Management: 3 semester hours.

Management theory for resource utilization and goal achievement. Issues include stress, communication, and family types. Emphasis on decision-making related to the dynamics of balancing work and family. ES

FCS 4435 Relationships within Families: 3 semester hours.

Building and maintaining positive relationships within families. Critical issues facing individuals and families including communication, cultural diversity, balancing multiple roles, time management and financial planning. OS

FCS 4470 Consumer Economics: 3 semester hours.

Financial management content with a focus on developing effective decision-making processes for managing resources. Topics: The changing American family; consumer protection and recourse; purchasing decisions; consumer credit; fundamentals of savings/investment; and insurance. OF

FCS 4471 Advanced Consumer Economics: 3 semester hours.

Advanced study of social and economic problems affecting individuals and families. Topics: financial security; credit and loans; tax planning; major consumer purchases; risk management; investments; retirement and estate planning. PREREQ: FCS 4470 or permission of instructor. D

FCS 4472 Teaching Consumer Economics: 1-3 semester hours.

Designed to provide educators with current content and resources for developing consumer and economic education curriculum. Teaching techniques discussed and practiced. D

FCS 4481 Special Problems in Family and Consumer Sciences: 1-3 semester hours.

Candidates select problem on the basis of needs, interests, or abilities. Independent work in the laboratory, library, or community. Regular advisor conferences required. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. F, S

FCS 4490 Field Experience in Family and Consumer Sciences: 1-3 semester hours.

Candidates participate in a variety of settings including schools, agencies, businesses, and child care settings. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. F, S