Child Development (CHLD)

How to Read Course Descriptions


CHLD 1100 CDA Prep 1: 6 semester hours.

This course will prepare students for the Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program. Content in this course will be an introduction to Early Childhood professionalism, health, safety, learning environments, social and emotional development, and guidance in ECCE. Includes lecture and practicum. F, D

CHLD 1101 CDA Prep 2: 6 semester hours.

This course will prepare students for the Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program. Content in this course will be an introduction to Early Childhood physical and cognitive development, language development, creativity, program management, and families. Includes lecture and practicum. PREREQ: CHLD 1100. S, D

CHLD 1105 Introduction to Early Childhood Education: 3 semester hours.

Orientation to Early Childhood Education including role of the teacher, professionalism, an overview of child growth and development, observation and assessment, and inclusive practices. PREREQ: minimum score of 8 on ALEKS or equivalent. F

CHLD 1111 Health, Safety, and Nutrition: 3 semester hours.

Course covers Health, Safety and nutritional practices in group settings: accident and illness prevention; nutrition requirements and menu planning; and development of good health habits in children. PREREQ: minimum score of 8 on ALEKS or equivalent. F

CHLD 1112 Learning Environments in Early Childhood Care and Education: 1 semester hour.

Establishing and maintaining quality learning environments for optimal child experience and learning. Includes indoor and outdoor environments, schedules and routines in ECCE. PREREQ: minimum score of 8 on ALEKS or equivalent. F

CHLD 1113 Foundations for Professional Preparation in Early Childhood Care and Education: 5 semester hours.

Academic and practical experience with planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum that enhances children's development in all domains, observation and assessment of children's learning and development, analysis of own skills and abilities, and in-depth reflection on family and community relationships. Upon completion, students who have completed the BTC and English 1101, will meet requirements for the Intermediate Technical Certificate and entry into the second year of the A.A.S. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. COREQ: CHLD 1115. F, S

CHLD 1115 Internship in Early Childhood Care and Education: 15 semester hours.

Student will complete experiential learning requirements including documenting 720 hours of work with young children and their families, submitting a resume, and documenting how they meet NAEYC standards in their work experience. COREQ: CHLD 1113. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. F, S

CHLD 1120 Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood Care and Education: 6 semester hours.

Emphasizes stages of social and emotional development, encouraging self-esteem, cultural awareness, and effective communication skills. Introduces observation and assessment of social and emotional skills; describes strategies to promote healthy social and emotional development. Includes classroom lecture and practicum. PREREQ: minimum score of 8 on ALEKS or equivalent. F

CHLD 1125 Guidance in Early Childhood Care and Education: 3 semester hours.

Principles and techniques for providing developmentally appropriate guidance. Emphasis is placed on communication skills, strategies, and observation to understand the underlying causes of behavior. Students will demonstrate appropriate interaction with children, families, and promote conflict resolution, self-control, and self-motivation. Includes classroom lecture and practicum. PREREQ: minimum score of 8 on ALEKS or equivalent. F

CHLD 1130 Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood: 6 semester hours.

Introduction to children's physical and cognitive development, including discovery experiences in math and science, block play, social studies, verbal and written language acquisition, and foundations in gross and fine motor development, brain development, multiple intelligences and learning styles. Includes classroom lectures and practicum. PREREQ: ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101P. S

CHLD 1135 Fostering Creativity: 3 semester hours.

Creative learning environments, planning and implementing developmentally appropriate experiences, and developing appropriate teaching materials for the classroom. Emphasizes creative activities for children in art, music, movement and physical skills, and dramatics. Includes classroom lecture and practicum. S

CHLD 1141 Family Centered Care and Program Management in Early Childhood Care and Education: 3 semester hours.

Relationships between families and programs. Emphasis on requisite skills and benefits for successfully establishing, supporting, and maintaining respectful, collaborative relationships between today's diverse families, centers and school, and community resources. Strategies to ensure effective program operation are introduced. Includes classroom lecture and practicum. S

CHLD 1151 Curriculum Planning and Implementation in Early Childhood Care and Education: 4 semester hours.

Philosophy, curriculum, scheduling, observation and assessment, and instructional planning and evaluation. Students will assess children and curriculum; plan for daily, weekly, and long-range instruction; and design environments with appropriate equipment and supplies. Includes classroom lecture and practicum. S

CHLD 2210 Advanced Topics in Early Childhood Care and Education: 3 semester hours.

Elaborates on developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood education and care and research into other current topics, as related to student needs and interest. A focus on anti-bias curriculum and children's literature is also included. Includes classroom lecture and practicum. PREREQ: ENGL 1101. PREREQ or COREQ: ENGL 1102, and COMM 1101. F

CHLD 2215 Children with Exceptionalities: 2 semester hours.

Introduces working with children with exceptionalities. Emphasis on the characteristics of children and strategies for adapting the learning environment. Students will recognize atypical development, make appropriate referrals, and collaborate with families and professionals to plan, implement, and evaluate inclusion strategies. Includes classroom lecture and practicum. PREREQ: ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101P. PREREQ or COREQ: ENGL 1102, and COMM 1101. F

CHLD 2220 Administration and Program Management in Early Childhood Care and Education: 3 semester hours.

Policies, procedures, personnel management for ECCE programs, including budgeting needs, marketing, and issues of insurance and applicable laws. Implementation of program goals, development of effective personnel supervision and managerial styles, and meeting NAEYC standards. PREREQ: ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101P, and CHLD 2210 OR CHLD 2215. COREQ: ENGL 1102, COMM 1101. S

CHLD 2250 Capstone Project in Early Childhood Care and Education: 1 semester hour.

Students will demonstrate, through either a teaching role or an administrative role, their competence in integrating academic skills with early childhood knowledge. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. F, S

CHLD 2296 Independent Study: 1-8 semester hours.

Addresses specific learning needs of individuals for the enhancement of knowledge and skills within the program area under the guidance of an instructor. May be repeated. Graded S/U, or may be letter-graded. PREREQ: Permission of the instructor. D

CHLD 2298 Special Topics: 1-8 semester hours.

Addresses the specific needs of industry, enabling students to upgrade technical skills that are not included in the current program curriculum. May be repeated. Graded S/U, or may be letter-graded. PREREQ: Permission of the instructor. D