Instructional Design Certificate

This 12-credit program allows students to earn a graduate certificate in Instructional Design (ID). This certificate provides a research and skills foundation to develop practitioners in ID. Courses provide a background in instructional design, electronic learning, and design experience and application.

Program Overview:

By completing this certification, students will gain the basic skills and knowledge to be professional instructional designers. Skills learners will include needs analysis, gap analysis, learner analysis, writing objectives and aligning them with appropriate instructional assessments, and implementation strategies as well as both formative and summative evaluation strategies. Four courses make up this certificate: EDLT 6601, which gives an overview of the field of instructional design, its history and domains, and the types of employment opportunities within the field; EDLT 6611, which gives basic instructional design knowledge and teaches the systematic design of instruction; EDLT 6621, which covers recent trends within the field of instructional design and technology; and EDLT 6680, in which the content is different every time it's offered, but in which generally the topic centers around a new skill or technology being requested in current job postings.

Certificate Course Requirements (12 credits)
EDLT 6601Foundations of Instructional Design and Technology3
EDLT 6611Instructional Systems Design3
EDLT 6621Issues and Trends in Instructional Design and Technology3
EDLT 6680Special Topics in Instructional Design and Technology3

Student Learning Outcomes  

  • Identify the theories and models of instructional design 
  • Apply design models and theories to instructional projects
  • Create instruction that is applicable to current trends as well as emerging issues in ID&T

Admission Requirements

  1. Admission to the MEd in Instructional Design & Technology or
  2. Submission of a letter of interest and cover letter followed by an interview with program faculty in the Instructional Design & Technology program.