Dual Pharm.D./Graduate Degree Programs

Joint Pharm. D./M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences or Pharm.D./Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Drug Discovery, Pharmaceutics, or Pharmacology Emphasis)


The objective of the dual degree program at Idaho State University College of Pharmacy is to train qualified biomedical and pharmaceutical scientists for academic, industry, or government positions in the relevant scientific field. This program is intended for highly qualified applicants and is designed to reduce the total time needed for completion of the two degrees while maintaining the high standards of the individual programs. It is intended to increase the number of highly trained clinician-researchers who can operate at the interface of basic research and clinical care to facilitate a more rapid translation of medical innovation into benefit for the patient.

Admission Requirements

1. Applicants must first be admitted to the PharmD program at Idaho State University's College of Pharmacy. For admission criteria and process see http://pharmacy.isu.edu/live/pharmd/admissions.html.

2. Applicants must hold a B.S. or a B.A. degree in one of the sciences, or must have completed three years of education at a college or university that will grant a B.S. or B.A. after completion of one year of education at the ISU College of Pharmacy.

a. Preference will be given to applicants who have completed one year of physical chemistry and one year of calculus. 

b. Additional courses in biochemistry, human anatomy, analytical chemistry, microbiology, advanced mathematics, and advanced organic chemistry are desirable but not required.

3. Applicants must meet all of the graduate student admission requirements as outlined above, including:

a. Minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent).

b. Minimum Graduate Record Examination combined score of 1,000 (old scale) or 300 (new scale) is required on the verbal and quantitative sections and at least 50th percentile in one of the GRE sections (verbal, quantitative, or Analytical).

c. Prior research experience, although not required, is strongly encouraged.

Application Process

1. Applicants interested in the dual-degree program must arrange a meeting with the Graduate Program Coordinator. Individuals applying to the PharmD/PhD program prior to matriculating to the PharmD program should schedule the meeting at the time of their interview for the PharmD program.

2. Students may be based at either the Pocatello or Meridian campus, depending on their research interests and the requirements of the graduate program.

3. An applicant must first be admitted to the PharmD program at the ISU College of Pharmacy. After receiving confirmation of admission, the applicant should contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, who will provide an Application for Admission to the PharmD/PhD Program Form (PSCI-10).

4. The application receipt deadline is April 1st.  Applications should include:

a. A completed application form.

b. A personal statement explaining why the applicant wants to pursue the PharmD/PhD dual degree program.

c. A description of previous research experience, including a letter from a previous research advisor if available.

d. GRE scores

e. Note – Application materials already submitted for the PharmD application do not need to be resubmitted.

5. Each applicant will be interviewed individually by the Graduate Program Coordinator.

6. The Graduate Program Coordinator and GEFRAC will review the application and make a recommendation for admission to the Department Chair and Dean.

7. Applicants will be notified by May 1st on the success of their application.

8. The application provides the student an opportunity to express interest(s) in specific research areas. This information will be utilized by the Graduate Program Coordinator to tailor the student’s research experience(s) during the summer preceding the 1st year of pharmacy school (if applicable). Typically, the student will have three (3) different research experiences (rotations) lasting 3-4 weeks each. The total length for the summer research experience is ten (10) weeks. Students who need to complete PharmD pre-requisites during the summer prior to their 1st professional year are required to inform the Graduate Program Coordinator as early as possible to discuss summer rotation scheduling modifications.

9. Students enrolled in any later year of the PharmD program at ISU College of Pharmacy may also apply for admission to the PharmD/PhD program using the outlined process and timelines.

Program Requirements

For general information on the dual-degree program requirements including programs of study, research and teaching requirements, and financial support contact the College of Pharmacy Graduate Program Coordinator at gradinfo@pharmacy.isu.edu. 

Joint Pharm.D.-Graduate Degree Program (Pharmacoeconomics and Administrative Sciences Emphasis)

Applicants must complete the following courses while enrolled in the P3 and P4 years of the Pharm.D. curriculum (the courses listed below substitute for PSCI 5532 Clinical Research Design and Analysis, and 6 credits of professional electives required in the Pharm.D. curriculum). In addition, the following courses taken in the P3 year will constitute a minor area in Clinical Pharmacy as required in the graduate program: PPRA 5534 and PPRA 5535 Therapeutics I and II, PSCI 5529 Clinical Pharmacokinetics, PSCI 5568 Toxicology; PPRA 5569 will substitute for 3 credits of PADM 6650 Thesis Research.

Third Professional Year Course Substitutions
BIOL 6605Biometry4
PADM 6605Research Methods in Pharmacy Administration3
Pharmacy Administration major area graduate course3
Fourth Professional Year Elective Clerkship
PPRA 5569 Research Specialty Clerkship4
Additional Graduate Program Requirements
M.S. (thesis option)
PADM 6601Graduate Seminar in Pharmacy Administration (2 credits minimum)1
Major area courses12
PADM 6650Thesis Research3
PADM 6601Graduate Seminar in Pharmacy Administration (4 credits minimum)1
Multivariate Analysis4
Research Methods Elective3
Major area courses21
PSCI 6698Dissertation Research (18 credits minimum)1-10
PSCI 8850Dissertation1