Master of Arts in Spanish

The Online Master of Arts in Spanish

The MA in Spanish is a fully online, 30-credit program of study that provides individuals seeking to reach an advanced level of proficiency the opportunity to attain the qualifications and language skill levels required to participate effectively in a variety of educational and professional settings. Students are encouraged to personalize their program of study by including nine credits of elective coursework in Spanish, Spanish for the Professions, or another approved area of study. Students may begin their studies year-round, applying for the Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters. 

The Spanish MA program at ISU is a year-round online program. Application deadlines for priority admission are as follows:

  • September 15 for spring enrollment
  • December 15 for summer semester enrollment
  • March 15 for fall enrollment

Curriculum, Master of Arts in Spanish

The MA in Spanish is a two-year, full-time program but students may complete the MA on a part-time basis. Students can expect a rigorous and rewarding program of study centered on advanced mastery of the Spanish language, the development of a deeper understanding of Hispanic literature and cultures, and the opportunity to explore developments in language and second language pedagogy. There are two main components to the MA: 1) Coursework and 2) the M.A. Exams OR M.A. Portfolio.

Total credits: 30

Required Courses: 15 required credits

SPAN 5500Spanish Advanced Grammar3
SPAN 5501Graduate Discourse3
SPAN 5541Survey of Peninsular Literature and Civilization3
or SPAN 5542 Survey of Latin American Literature and Civilization
SPAN 5545Critical Theory3
SPAN 6690Spanish Graduate Seminar3

Suggested Electives:

Students choose 15 elective credits with a minimum of twelve credits at the 66XX level in Spanish or in another, approved area of study. Your assigned MA advisor and the MA program Director must approve electives from other programs.

GLBL 6600Global Hispanic Issues3
LANG 5537The Teaching of Foreign Languages3
SPAN 5541Survey of Peninsular Literature and Civilization3
SPAN 5542Survey of Latin American Literature and Civilization3
SPAN 6600Topics in Spanish Language3
SPAN 6675Topics in Culture and Literature3
SPAN 6676Topics in Culture and Literatures II3
SPAN 6690Spanish Graduate Seminar3
SPAN 6695Research and Critical Analysis3

Additional Requirements

  • OPI: In order to graduate, students must achieve a minimal rating of Advanced-Low on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview. Students not achieving the required score must follow the remediation procedures outlined in the MA in Spanish Student Handbook. The OPI must be taken at least 2 weeks before sitting for the M.A. Exams or submitting your MA Portfolio.
  • MA Exams -or- MA Portfolio: Students must either take MA Exams or submit an MA portfolio. Please see the MA in Spanish Student Handbook for detailed information regarding these two options. This requirement must be completed in the fall or spring. Please verify the dates set by the department with your advisor.


  1. Apply to the Graduate School at Graduate School admissions requirements are here: Graduate Admissions Requirements. Create your account, pay the application fee, and start uploading the required information. For assistance call 208-282-2150 or email
  2. In addition, you will need the following:
    1. A 3-5 minute video Statement of Intent spoken in the Spanish language addressing a) your experience with the language, b) your goals, and c) how this program will help you reach those goals. This should not be a scripted response, but rather an example of your ability to speak extemporaneously in the Spanish language. Alternatively, the applicant may submit a recent OPI evaluation (conducted in the past 4 years) as evidence of their speaking ability.
    2. A Writing Sample in Spanish of at least 2.0 pages (approximately 1,000 words) that conforms to the traditional 5-paragraph essay structure. A university paper or professional report written in Spanish would be ideal. If you do not have such, then you should write a paper on a topic of your choice demonstrating command Spanish and using the aforementioned 5-paragraph structure to support a claim or thesis.
    3. Emails of two references (non-family members). One of these references must be able to speak to the applicant's academic qualifications and the applicant’s potential as a graduate student in an online program in Spanish (Desirable qualities include passion for Hispanic language and cultures, intelligence, work ethic, prioritization and time management skills, collegiality, professionalism, and resilience.) This recommender will be contacted to submit a letter of recommendation electronically. The other reference must be able to speak to the applicant's proficiency with the Spanish language and will be asked to complete an online form to this effect. 

Need Help?

Department of Anthropology and Languages: 208-282-2629 or