Management (MGT)

How to Read Course Descriptions


MGT 5510 Entrepreneurship Opportunity Feasibility and Planning: 3 semester hours.

Conduct a detailed feasibility analysis of a business idea and complete a business plan using sound business principles. Specific, evaluated graduate-level activities and/or performances are identified in the course syllabus.

MGT 5512 Entrepreneurial Solutions: 3 semester hours.

Advanced students create entrepreneurial market offering ideas and put such ideas through a commercialization process to test their viability. Entrepreneurial Market offering ideas address complex business problems under the supervision of a senior consultant. Class discussions supplement field work. PREREQ: MKTG 2225: Basic Marketing Management OR MBA 6613: Marketing OR Permission of Instructor

MGT 5520 Native American Organizational Systems: 3 semester hours.

Analysis of factors and dimensions to be considered in the structure and design of contemporary Native American organizations. Comparison of contemporary Native organizational systems with traditional Native organizational approaches and contemporary non-Native organizations. Specific graduate level activities and/or performances will be identified in the course syllabus.

MGT 5522 Native American Enterprise: 3 semester hours.

Approaches, strategies, and models utilized in developing tribally-owned and privately-owned Native American businesses across the U.S. and Canada. Analysis of social, economic, and environmental contingency factors that contribute to successful establishment of Native American businesses. Specific graduate level activities and/or performances will be identified in the course syllabus.

MGT 5530 Advanced Operations and Production Management: 3 semester hours.

Study of problems on line management in organizations. Major sections include strategy, process analysis, personpower planning, inventories, scheduling, and control of operations. Emphasizes both behavioral and technical aspects of problem solving in the area of operations management.

MGT 5534 Productivity and Quality: 3 semester hours.

Study of the factors involved in an organization's productivity and quality of product or service.

MGT 5541 Leading in Organizations: 3 semester hours.

Skills-oriented approach to the understanding and application of behavioral theories and concepts to organizational problems. Emphasis on leadership skill awareness and development through applying conceptual knowledge to case studies and skill practice scenarios. Specific, evaluated graduate-level activities and/or performances are identified in the course syllabus. PREREQ: MGT 3312 or MBA 6612.

MGT 5550 Manufacturing Strategy: 3 semester hours.

Study of the various production alternatives as critical factors in a company's competitive strategies.

MGT 5561 Business Law: 3 semester hours.

MGT 5562 Issues in Business and Society: 3 semester hours.

Seminar course designed to focus thinking on critical issues facing managers in making decision choices regarding employees and other stakeholder groups, the community, and the environment.

MGT 5565 International Business: 3 semester hours.

Special emphasis on managerial functions and critical elements of the management process in a firm operating under foreign economic, technological, political, social and cultural environments.

MGT 5573 Human Resource Management: 3 semester hours.

Introduction to the methodology of employee selection, employment and development; personnel supervision and management; financial compensation; job analysis; behavioral tools and techniques employed to deal with personnel problems and contemporary problems of personpower management.

MGT 5574 Advanced Human Resource Management: 3 semester hours.

In-depth study of selected personnel/human resources management topics, including employee selection, performance evaluation, and compensation administration. PREREQ: MGT 4473 or MGT 5573, and MGT 2217.

MGT 5580 Labor and Employment Law: 3 semester hours.

Study of state and federal laws, domestic and foreign, governing employment relationships, including labor-management relations, discrimination and employee rights, work-place safety, compensation and benefits, and related topics.

MGT 5582 Project Management: 3 semester hours.

Philosophy and tools of project management focusing on applied methodologies. Addresses project scope, breakdown structure, schedules, and closure following professionally accepted industry standards.

MGT 5583 Industrial Relations: 3 semester hours.

Integrated study of principles and practices of collective bargaining and industrial relations. Discussion of methods and techniques in dealing with labor-management problems arising out of contract negotiations and administrations.

MGT 5584 International Collegiate Business Strategy Competition: 3 semester hours.

Students apply to compete in an international strategy team competition. Early rounds of the competition take place on campus. The final rounds typically take place over an intensive weekend in Anaheim, CA. PREREQ: Permission of instructor.

MGT 5585 Collaborative Creativity: 3 semester hours.

Students will learn and apply principles of teamwork and collaboration through a semester-long collaborative project. Past projects have included researching historical photos and writing captions that collectively make up a book that tells the story of local people and organizations (published by an international book publisher). PREREQ: Permission of the instructor. D

MGT 5591 Seminar in Management and Organization: 3 semester hours.

Reading, discussion, and preparation of reports on selected topics. Restricted to senior and graduate students in business who have the consent of the instructor. May be repeated with instructor's permission for up to 6 credits. May be graded S/U.

MGT 5592 Special Problems in Management and Organization: 2-3 semester hours.

Research and reports on selected problems or topics in management and organization. Restricted to senior and graduate students in business who have the consent of the Dean. May be repeated under a different title for a maximum of 9 credits with the permission of the major advisor and the Dean.

MGT 5599 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.

The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.

MGT 6675 Environmental Management: 3 semester hours.

The study of environmental issues in managerial decision-making. Total cost/benefit analysis, political ramifications, publicity, ethical considerations, global issues. Analysis of various business functions and their impact on short- and long-term concerns.

MGT 6699 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.

The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.