I.T.C. Energy Systems Technology

(1 Year)

Program Prerequisites:

Official test scores must be dated within one year of program admission. 

Placement Test Math


Fundamental electronics, electrical, and energy systems program.


To prepare students as entry-level technicians and maintenance assistants to meet the needs of industry.

Major Requirements

Required Courses:
ESET 1100Engineering Technology Orientation1
ESET 1100LIntroduction to an Industrial Environment Laboratory1
Select a minimum of sixteen (16) credits from the following courses: 116
Electrical Circuits I
Electrical Circuits I Laboratory
Electrical Circuits II
Electrical Circuits II Laboratory
Introduction to Process Control
Introduction to Process Control Laboratory
Basic Electricity and Electronics
Basic Electricity and Electronics Laboratory
Electrical Systems and Motor Control Theory
Electrical Systems and Motor Control Theory Laboratory
Mechanical Power Transmission I
Mechanical Power Transmission Laboratory I
Introduction to Structural Welding
Introduction to Mechanical Drafting and Computer Aided Design
Mechanical Power Transmission II
Mechanical Power Transmission Laboratory II
Initial Operator Training and Student Operations
Nuclear Industry Fundamental Concepts
Nuclear Industry Fundamental Concepts Lab
Nuclear Careers and Information
Radiological Control Fundamentals
Select a minimum of eight (8) credits from the following math courses:8
Applied Technical Intermediate Algebra
Precalculus I: Algebra
Precalculus II: Trigonometry
Statistical Reasoning
Calculus I
Business Statistics
Choose a minimum of 4 credits of General Education Course Electives:4
Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Introduction to Chemistry
Writing and Rhetoric I
Elements of Physics
and Elements of Physics Laboratory
Total Credits30

Students continuing to the AAS are advised to take the following curriculum as part of the ITC:

Electrical Engineering Technology --
ESET 1101, ESET 1101L, ESET 1102, ESET 1102LESET 1140
Instrumentation Engineering Technology --  
ESET 1101, ESET 1101L, ESET 1102, ESET 1102L, ESET 1110,ESET 1101L, ESET 1140
Mechanical Engineering Technology --
ESET 1121, ESET 1121L, ESET 1122, ESET 1122L, ESET 1123, ESET 1123L, ESET 1125, ESET 1126, ESET 1127, ESET 1127L, ESET 1140
Nuclear Engineering Technology --
ESET 1121, ESET 1121L,ESET 1122, ESET 1122L, ESET 1140,ESET 1151and ESET 1151L, or ESET 1130, ESET 1152ESET 1153

 Major Academic Plan (MAP)