B.T.C. Instrumentation and Automation Assistant

(1 Year)


To prepare students as entry-level technician and maintenance assistants to meet the needs of the electrical and process industry.

Employers include food processing, mining, semiconductor, chemical, paper, steel, petroleum, utilities and manufacturing industries. Graduates will have theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience setting up and calibrating electronic devices that measure and control temperature, level, flow, pressure, motion, force, humidity and acidity.

Graduates will be able to troubleshoot single and three phase motor controls, basic variable frequency drives, programmable logic controllers, sensors, relays, timers, solenoids, and other automation devices.

Program Prerequisites:

Official test scores must be dated within one year of program admission. 

Placement Test Math
Required Courses:
ESET 1103Introduction to Electronics Theory1
ESET 1103LIntroduction to Electronics Lab1
ESET 1104DC Electronics Principles Theory2
ESET 1104LDC Electronics Principles Lab2
ESET 1105AC Electronics Principles Theory4
ESET 1105LAC Electronics Principles Lab2
INST 1140Introduction to Motors and Motor Control Theory2
INST 2220Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers3
INST 2240Theory2
INST 2242Theory2
INST 2251Laboratory1
INST 2253Laboratory1
INST 2254Laboratory1
Total Credits24

 Major Academic Plan (MAP)