Baccalaureate Certificate in Organizational Leadership

Pursue the baccalaureate certificate offered in the Department of Organizational Learning and Performance by applying for admission to the BS in Workplace Training and Leadership (BS WTL)The certificate may be earned alone or as part of the BS WTLThe baccalaureate certificate in Organizational Leadership is intended for career professionals seeking middle leadership career paths. This certificate prepares rising professionals and develops their potential for leadership positions within businesses and industries.

Intended Audience – Career professionals seeking middle leadership positions.

Required Courses
OLP 3331Theories and Models of Leadership3
or OLP 2231 Introduction to Leadership
OLP 4410Principles of Change3
OLP 4431Workplace Leadership3
Organizational Leadership Certificate Elective
Plus three (3) additional credits from any faculty approved WTL (or aligned) courses3
Total Credits12