Minor in Spanish

SPAN 1101Elementary Spanish I (or equivalent)4
SPAN 1102Elementary Spanish II (or equivalent)4
(Either of the two courses above partially satisfies General Education Objective 4.)
SPAN 3301Spanish Conversation and Composition3
or SPAN 3302 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
One elective upper-division course in Spanish3
Choose one of the following sequences for a total of ten/eleven (10-11) credits:10-11
EITHER the following three courses:
Intermediate Enrichment 1,2
Intermediate Spanish I (or equivalent)
Intermediate Spanish II (or equivalent)
OR the following three courses:
Intermediate Spanish I ((or equivalent)) 1
Spanish for Health Care I
Spanish for Health Care II
Select one of the following:3
Contemporary European Culture
Cultures of the Spanish Speaking World
Cultures of East Asia
(Each of the three courses listed above satisfies General Education Objective 9.)
All required courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C- (C minus).
Total Credits27-28

 This is a variable-credit course that may be repeated to obtain at least 2 credits.


May be fulfilled by an upper division elective in Spanish.