Anthropology Faculty

Chair and Professor

Reedy, Katherine L., Department Chair and Professor, Anthropology.  B.A. 1997, University of Wisconsin; Ph.D. 2004, University of Cambridge, U.K.  (2007)


Dudgeon, John V., Associate Professor,  Anthropology.  B.A. 1990, University of Colorado; M.A. 1998, University of Washington; Ph.D. 2008, University of Hawaii.  (2008)

Associate Professors

Blatt, Samantha H., Assistant Professor, Anthropology. B.S., 2004, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; M.A., 2007, The Ohio State University; Ph.D., 2013, The Ohio State University. (2018)

Ebel, Sarah A., Assistant Professor, Anthropology. B.A., 2010, Bowdoin College; Ph.D., 2019, University of Maine, Orono. (2019)

Speer, Charles A., Associate Professor, Anthropology.  B.A. 2003, M.A. 2006, Ph.D. 2013, University of Texas San Antonio.  (2015)

Assistant Professors

Kickham, Elizabeth A., Assistant Professor, Anthropology. B.A., 1997, University of Oklahoma; M.S., 2001, University of Illinois; M.A., 2008, University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., 2015, University of Oklahoma. (2019)

Mink, Kirsten G., Assistant Professor, Anthropology. B.A., 2006, Southern Methodist University; M.A., 2008, University of Montana; Ph.D., 2016, University of Montana. (2021)


Thomas, Lewis K., Assistant Lecturer, Anthropology.  B.A., 1989, M.A., 1995, Idaho State University; ABD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  (1998)

Native Language Instructor

Gould, Drusilla, Native Language Instructor, Anthropology.  (1993)

Affiliate Research Faculty

Hansen, Richard D., Affiliate Research Professor, Anthropology. B.S., 1978, Brigham Young University; M.S., 1984, Brigham Young University; Ph.D., 1992, University of California, Los Angeles. (2021)


Holmer, Richard N., Professor, Anthropology. 1983-2011

Stocks, Anthony, Professor, Anthropology. 1979-2006

Loether, Christopher, Professor, Anthropology. 1989-2020