SPED 3312 Assistive Technology: 3 semester hours.
Instructional and assistive technology, benefits they offer to individuals with various types of disabilities, how to evaluate children's technology needs, how to find new technologies using a variety of resources, and how to fund the purchase of technology for children with disabilities. Focus on how to use technology to adapt and accommodate for the needs of children with diverse learning needs. D
SPED 3330 The Exceptional Child: 3 semester hours.
Essential areas of exceptionality. Each area is studied on the dimensions of etiology, identification and labeling, characteristics, educational treatment, and prognosis for adjustment. Consideration also given toward structuring suitable educational programs applicable for each area and the basics of special education law. Includes 50-hour practicum. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to Teacher Education Program. S
SPED 3340 Principles of Behavior Management: 3 semester hours.
Overview of the basic principles of behavior management for supporting students with disabilities in all school environments. Includes applied behavior analysis, positive behavioral instructional supports, functional behavior analysis, and behavior intervention plans. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to Teacher Education Program. F
SPED 4417 Interdisciplinary Evaluation Team: 1 semester hour.
Introduction to principles, techniques of interdisciplinary evaluation. Disciplines emphasized: Audiology, Dietetics, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Psychology, Social Work, Special Education, Speech-Language Pathology. Equivalent to CSD 4417, DHS 4417, NURS 4417, PSYC 4417, and SOWK 4417. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. S
SPED 4423 Designing Instruction: 3 semester hours.
In-depth study of Universal Design for Learning as the framework for designing instruction that is accessible for all learners and supporting students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program. COREQS: EDUC 3311, EDUC 4408, and SPED 4435 with a minimum grade of C. D
SPED 4424 Assessment Procedures in Special Education: 3 semester hours.
In-depth study of educational assessment procedures and techniques related to identifying and supporting students with disabilities. Emphasis on standardized assessment procedures, the eligibility determination process, making educational recommendations, and comprehensive evaluation report writing. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4429 Teaching Students with Significant and Multiple Disabilities: 3 semester hours.
In-depth study of the characteristics of students with significant and multiple disabilities and effects on social interactions, school performance, and achievement. Evidence-based practices for teaching and supporting students with significant and multiple disabilities. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program. F, S
SPED 4430 Practicum in Individualized Instruction: 1-3 semester hours.
Requires 50 clock hours per credit hour of field experience working one-on-one with a student with significant and/or multiple disabilities, developing and implementing individual instructional programs related to communication. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4432 Explicit Instruction: 3 semester hours.
In-depth study of explicit instruction techniques to support student learning in all content areas. Includes development of original instruction and adaptation of general education curricula and progress monitoring of student learning. PREREQ: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4433 Teaching Students with Emotional Behavior Disorders: 3 semester hours.
In-depth study of the characteristics of emotional behavior disorders and effects on social interactions, school performance, and achievement. Evidence-based practices for teaching and supporting students with Emotional Behavior Disorders. PREREQ: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4434 Language and Communication Methods in Special Education: 3 semester hours.
Strategies for teaching expressive and receptive communication skills to students with disabilities. Focus on assistive and augmentative communication systems, high and low technology modalities, and visual supports. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4435 Practicum in Small Group Instruction: 1-3 semester hours.
Requires 50 clock hours per credit hour of field experience working with students with disabilities, implementing small group instruction and monitoring student progress. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program. COREQ: SPED 4423. D
SPED 4436 Math Methods for Children with Disabilities: 3 semester hours.
How to teach basic mathematical skills to children with disabilities and other at-risk learners. Emphasis on mathematical techniques having research supporting their effectiveness with children with disabilities. Prospective teachers are taught how to teach, monitor, assess, and remediate various mathematical skills. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
SPED 4437 Practicum in Large Group Instruction: 1-3 semester hours.
Requires 50 clock hours per credit hour of field experience working with students with disabilities in inclusive general classrooms. Emphasis on Universal Design for Learning, co-teaching, and collaboration between general and special education teachers. PREREQ: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4438 Policies and Procedures in Special Education: 3 semester hours.
Consideration of legal background, current court rulings, professional responsibilities, and models for consultation and collaboration in a variety of educational settings. Includes the IEP process. PREREQ: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4443 Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: 3 semester hours.
In-depth study of the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder and effects on social interactions, school performance, and achievement. Evidence-based practices for teaching and supporting students with ASD. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
SPED 4446 Secondary Special Education: 3 semester hours.
In-depth study of assessment and evidence-based practices to support secondary transition for students with disabilities. Topics include functional academics, transition, independent living, social skills, professional-technical training, employment options, and accessing community resources. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4450 Creating Inclusive Classrooms: 3 semester hours.
Curricula and methods for educating students with diverse abilities in K-12 classrooms. Characteristics of students with disabilities, students who are gifted and talented, students at risk for school failure, and students who are English language learners. Emphasizes inclusive lesson design, curricular adaptations, and collaborative teaching. PREREQ: Admission to Teacher Education Program. PRE-OR-COREQ: EDUC 4408 or MUSC 3338. F, S
SPED 4462 Seminar:Behavior Disorders: 1 semester hour.
Topical issues related to the education of children with behavior disorders in a variety of educational and therapeutic settings. PREREQ: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4481 Advanced Issues in Behavior Disorders: 2 semester hours.
Educational organization, collaboration and consultation skills necessary to provide cooperation between the schools and other community agencies that provide integrated service for this exceptionality. PREREQ: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4485 Independent Problems: 1-3 semester hours.
Individual work under staff guidance. Field and/or library research on specific educational problems of interest to majors in education. Experience in research composition. May be repeated. Graded S/U. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. D
SPED 4490 Consultation and Collaboration: 3 semester hours.
Survey of strategies for collaborating with families, paraprofessionals, general education teachers, and other special education and related service professionals to support students with disabilities. Minimum grade of C required. PREREQ: EDUC 2201 and EDUC 2204 with a minimum grade of C; Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4491 Seminar: 1-3 semester hours.
Critical analysis of the literature in one or more areas of education. Limited enrollment. May be graded S/U. PREREQ: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. D
SPED 4498 Advanced Field Work: 1-3 semester hours.
Orientation, observation, planning and implementation of special education instruction in a special education setting in the public schools. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. D