Library/Information/Research (LLIB)

How to Read Course Descriptions


LLIB 1115 Introduction to Information Research: 3 semester hours.

Develop life-long strategies for recognizing when you need information, locating it, evaluating it, and using it effectively and ethically. Explore a variety of tools and formats in order to find sources worth using/citing in support of academic projects. Satisfies Objective 8 of the General Education Requirements. F, S

LLIB 1125 Introduction to Health Information Research: 3 semester hours.

Develop life-long strategies for recognizing when you need health information, as well as how to find it, evaluate it, and use this information effectively and ethically. This course will focus on concepts such as evidence-based practice, developing a well-built clinical question, searching biomedical information resources, and using health-science research techniques. F, S