Science and Engineering

Lyle Castle, Ph.D., Interim Dean

Rene Rodriguez, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Professor

Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Associate Professor


The College of Science and Engineering provides students with a comprehensive education to prepare for careers in mathematics, science, engineering, and related fields such as education and the health professions. This is accomplished not only through classroom training but especially through laboratory-, project-, and field-based instruction. Scholarly research is integral to our mission as a means of teaching students to be original and critical thinkers, as well as improving our world through discovery and invention.

College Structure

The College includes nine departments: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Geosciences, and Mathematics and Statistics. The College also directs the Physics program. Collaboration between units is a characteristic feature of the college: students take courses from several departments; faculty co-advise students; and research teams cross disciplinary boundaries.