Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP)

The Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP) program within the ISU School of Nursing, prepares exemplary nurse leaders who integrate education, service, and scholarship, through practice and research, to enhance the quality of life for rural and diverse populations. The program meets all requirements for students to take the national board exam required to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologist (CRNA). The rigorous program emphasizes real-world clinical practice. The program culminates in the writing and presentation of a Capstone project designed to demonstrate program outcomes through the improvement of practice. The program is full-time, year-round and completed over three years as required by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs.

The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologist (CRNA) Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia program will be taught in 9 semesters / 3 years. This program will primarily be in person. There will be an online component for some
courses. The clinical component includes a minimum number of clinical hours = 2,000. Clinical hours are primarily time spent in the actual administration of anesthesia in the operating room. Simulation will be utilized in this program to reinforce the concepts taught in all of the principles of anesthesia courses as well as prior to performing skills on an actual patient. The DNAP degree requires completion of a capstone project. Completion of this program will provide the education needed to sit for national certification as a CRNA

Admissions Requirements

The student must apply to and meet all requirements for admission to the Graduate School. Applications must be received by January 15. In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, the following are required:

  1. Current and unencumbered license as a registered professional nurse and / or an APRN in the United States. RN licensure in the state of Idaho is required prior to final acceptance into the program. Other state RN licensure may be needed for future potential out-of-state clinical specialty sites (3rd year of program).
  2. Applicants must have at least 1 year of full-time experience, or its part-time equivalent, as a registered nurse in a critical care setting prior to application to this program.
    1. The following types of critical care experience is preferred: all types of adult medical and or surgical ICU’s.
    2. The following types of critical care experience would be considered: ER, Neonatal ICU and Pediatric ICU, Trauma, Flight Nurse.
  3. The applicant must have earned the following certifications by the application deadline: BLS, ACLS, PALS are required and CCRN would be highly recommended.
  4. Submission of official college transcripts from each institution attended. Submit directly to Idaho State University. A baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing or an appropriate major is required.
  5. Submission of professional vitae or resume.
  6. Submission of a professional essay (2-3 pages) describing applicants’ interest in nurse anesthesia, shadow experiences (highly encouraged). Thoughts on independent practice / full scope anesthesia practice. What factors will enable you to be successful?


ANES 7720Advanced Pathologic Aspects of Disease4
PHAR 6645Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses3
ANES 7710Foundations in Anesthesia3
NURS 6639Teaching and Learning Strategies in Nursing Education3
ANES 7721Advanced Physiology & Anatomy for Anesthesia I4
ANES 7711Anesthesia Principles I4
ANES 7711LAdvanced Simulation for Anesthesia Principles I1
ANES 7731Advanced Pharmacology for Anesthesia I3
NURS 6611Advanced Health Assessment3
ANES 6611LAdvanced Health Assessment Lab1
ANES 7712Anesthesia Principles II4
ANES 7712LAdvanced Simulation for Anesthesia Principles II1
ANES 7732Advanced Pharmacology for Anesthesia II3
ANES 7722Advanced Physiology & Anatomy for Anesthesia II4
ANES 7723Applied Anatomy Skills & Simulation Lab3
ANES 7740Intro to Clinical Anesthesia1
ANES 7741Clinical Practicum for Anesthesia Practice I3
NURS 7735Statistical Analysis in Evidence Based Practice3
ANES 7713Anesthesia Principles III4
ANES 7742Clinical Practicum for Anesthesia Practice II4
NURS 6610Advanced Evidence Application3
ANES 7750Human Factors, Patient Safety, Ethics & Diversity in Anesthesia3
ANES 7771Scholarly Project Design2
ANES 7743Clinical Practicum for Anesthesia Practice III4
ANES 7714Crisis & Trauma Management, Advanced Concepts in Anesthesia3
ANES 7744Clinical Practicum for Anesthesia Practice IV4
NURS 8826Approaches to Scholarly Writing2
ANES 7772Scholarly Project Development3
ANES 7745Clinical Practicum for Anesthesia Practice V4
ANES 7773Scholarly Project Implementation3
ANES 7781Anesthesia Board Prep I2
ANES 7746Clinical Practicum for Anesthesia Practice VI4
ANES 7760Business, Leadership & Health Policy for Anesthesia3
ANES 7782Anesthesia Board Prep II2
Total Credits101


The Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice program requires students to complete a Capstone, done over three semesters. Students enroll in Capstone I, II, and III with structured and mentored guidance on the identification of a problem related to anesthesia practice, policy, or education. Each Capstone course guides the student with the phases of the project: problem identification, review of the literature and evidence, identification of solution and design for implementation and evaluation. Students are required to prepare a professional paper and complete a professional presentation of the completed project.

Student Learning Outcome

  • Apply the complex principles of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, chemistry, and physics related to the art and science of nurse anesthesia.
  • Safely and skillfully administer a range of anesthetics for all patient populations and physiological conditions, in urban and rural settings.
  • Synthesize preoperative information from historical, physical, and testing data to develop a safe and evidence-based anesthetic plan.
  • Utilize current evidence as a basis for clinical decision-making and to improve nurse anesthesia practices.
  • Utilize ultrasound technology for regional anesthesia administration, invasive lines, and advanced patient assessment.
  • Recognize and appropriately respond to anesthesia complications that occur during the perioperative and post-operative settings.
  • Create a safe environment for patients and staff by minimizing the influence of human factors as well as inherent biases and by increasing situational awareness in all settings.
  • Apply research and writing skills directed towards developing a solution to an anesthesia problem (Capstone Project).
  • Demonstrate leadership abilities by completing a Capstone Project intended to improve anesthesia practice.
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills to communicate with patients, healthcare colleagues, and families.