School Psychology (SCPY)

How to Read Course Descriptions


SCPY 5599 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.

The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.

SCPY 6614 Diagnostic Evaluation of Learning Difficulties: 3 semester hours.

Investigation of theoretical and applied assessment of intervention measures suitable for remediating learning problems.

SCPY 6615 Advanced Child Psychology: 3 semester hours.

In-depth study of the principles of educational psychology and child development. Emphasis will be placed on applying research-based practices from the science of educational psychology to solve problems found in schools and other social settings. PREREQ: EDUC 6602.

SCPY 6616 Psychological Assessment: 3 semester hours.

Psychometric assessment to determine eligibility of students and provide diagnostic information to develop interventions and assess their effects. Includes writing of integrated reports that address various exceptionalities. PREREQ: SCPY 6614 and SCPY 6619.

SCPY 6619 Individual Intelligence Testing: 3 semester hours.

Supervised practice in administering, scoring, and interpreting the results of individual intelligence tests. Each section limited to 6 students.

SCPY 6652 Specialist Paper: 1-3 semester hours.

An applied research paper in school psychology, written in format appropriate for publication consideration by a peer-reviewed journal. A candidate is allowed to take 1 to 3 credits each semester but has to take at least 1 credit each semester until his or her paper is completed as approved by the instructor. May be repeated. PREREQ: EDUC 6601.

SCPY 6657 Legal and Ethical Issues in School Psychology: 2 semester hours.

This course is intended to address a variety of professional issues, including legal and ethical principles, professional standards of practice, and ethical decision making within the context of the unique professional practice of school psychology. Students will become familiar with the ethical principles of the American Psychological Association and the National Association of School Psychologists and learn to apply these principles to specific areas of school psychology practice such as assessment, intervention, and research.

SCPY 6658 Independent Problems: 1-3 semester hours.

Individual work under staff guidance. Field and/or library research on specific educational problems. Experience in research composition. May be repeated up to 6 credits.

SCPY 6659 Multicultural Issues in School Psychology: 2 semester hours.

This course is designed to examine cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic variables unique to the practice of school psychology in the public school setting. The content of this course will include applying knowledge of cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic differences to school psychology assessment, intervention, counseling, and English language acquisition issues.

SCPY 6660 Seminar in School Psychology: 3 semester hours.

Introduce students to the field of school psychology through guest speakers, literature, and discussion. Focus on assessment, diagnosis, professional ethics, historical development, and school law.

SCPY 6662 Consultation in Schools: 3 semester hours.

Provides theoretical and practical experience in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a variety of consulting strategies suitable for working with teachers, administrators, community agencies, and parents. PREREQ: SCPY 6665.

SCPY 6663 Clinical and Diagnostic Interviewing in Schools: 3 semester hours.

This is an advanced clinical interview skills course in which knowledge and training are obtained in how to conduct clinical interviews with children and families in educational settings. Special consideration is given to conducting Mental Health Intake Interviews, Mental Status Examinations, Suicide Assessments, Targeted Violence Assessments, and Interviewing Special Populations. PREREQ: SCPY 6615, 6616, 6665, or Permission of Instructor.

SCPY 6664 Neurocognition and Learning: 3 semester hours.

This course will increase skills of school psychologists and educators in applying neurocognitive research to psychoeducational adjustment in schools. Content will emphasize intervention, assessment, instruction, consultation, individual differences in emotionality, attention, memory, and problem solving. PREREQ: EDUC 6602.

SCPY 6665 Clinical School Psychology: 3 semester hours.

This course explores the clinical elements of school-based mental health services provided by school psychologists in public school settings. The educational manifestations of childhood and adolescent psychopathology are examined within the context of the DSM-IV-TR. Special emphasis is given to understanding the complexities of childhood mental illness and its unique educational inpact on children and adolescents. COREQ: SCPY 6667.

SCPY 6668 Practicum Introduction to School Psychology Learning Disabilities and Special Education: 3 semester hours.

Supervised experience in psycho-educational, intelligence, and personality testing as well as diagnostic evaluation of learning difficulties and report writing. Special emphasis on the interpretation of assessment results to school-based multidisciplinary team mmmbers. A combination of fifty hours of experience and supervision equals one hour of academic credit. Each candidate will be asked to complete three psyco-educational evaluations under supervision of their site supervisors. May be repeated. PREREQ: SCPY 6619 and permission of instructor.

SCPY 6669 Advanced Practicum in School Psychology: 3 semester hours.

A combination of fifty hours of experience and supervision equals one hour of academic credit. The weekly supervision seminars provide the candidate with supplementary guidance, support, and educational information regarding professional issues of school psychology such as techniques of providing in-service training and integration of technology into student learning through case discussion, supplemental readings, direct instruction, and guest speakers. May be repeated. PREREQ: SCPY 6668 and permission of instructor.

SCPY 6670 Practicum in School Psychology: 1-2 semester hours.

Second-year students will process school and community-based referrals. Fifty (50) hours contact time per credit. This involves a collaborative problem-solving approach with school-based teams to gain experience with pre-referral activities, evaluation, and intervention plans. May be repeated. COREQ: SCPY 6665.

SCPY 6672 Problem Solving Intervention in Schools: 3 semester hours.

This course will provide a foundation in skills, knowledge and practice that reflects a "Problem-Solving Intervention" (PSI) approach to assessment and intervention implementation in schools.

SCPY 6673 Response to Intervention in Schools: 3 semester hours.

This course integrates both the theory and practical application of "Response to Intervention" (RTI) used for development and implementation of effective interventions pertaining to academic and behavioral "problems" in school settings.

SCPY 6682 Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention in Schools: 3 semester hours.

This course provides theoretical and practical experience in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a variety of cognitive-behavioral interventions when working with teachers, administrators, community agencies, and parents. This course examines both "intervention" and "consultation" principles and strategies. The primary focus is the scientific research and application of cognitive-behavioral interventions to achieve improved performance and success of students in schools.

SCPY 6699 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.

The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.

SCPY 7759 Ed.S Internship: 1-9 semester hours.

Placement in a post-master's degree counseling, school psychology, or special education setting. A combination of fifty hours of experience and supervision equals one hour of academic credit. May be repeated. PREREQ: Completion of all program course work.