Music (MUSC)

How to Read Course Descriptions


MUSC 5506 Opera Literature: 3 semester hours.

Masterworks of operatic literature.

MUSC 5507 Symphonic Music Literature: 3 semester hours.

Masterworks of symphonic literature.

MUSC 5508 Chamber Literature Music: 3 semester hours.

Masterworks of chamber music literature.

MUSC 5511 Instrument Literature: 2 semester hours.

A study of instructional materials and literature for an orchestral instrument or guitar. PREREQ: Junior level standing in applied music or permission of instructor.

MUSC 5512 Instrument Pedagogy: 2 semester hours.

A survey and comparative study of pedagogical materials, principles and procedures. Application of pedagogical techniques in teaching situations.

MUSC 5513 Piano Literature: 2 semester hours.

A study of instructional materials and literature for piano.

MUSC 5514 Piano Pedagogy: 2 semester hours.

A survey and comparative study of pedagogical materials, principles and procedures for piano. Application of pedagogical techniques in teaching situations.

MUSC 5515 Seminar in Band Music: 2 semester hours.

Analysis and study of instrumental works from the Baroque to the present era with particular attention to performance practice.

MUSC 5516 Seminar in Choral Music: 2 semester hours.

Analysis and study of choral works from the Renaissance through the present era with particular attention to performance practice.

MUSC 5517 Advanced Conducting: 2 semester hours.

Designed for secondary school music teachers, this course provides opportunity to discover and analyze technical conducting problems in music of the various historical eras.

MUSC 5518 Seminar in Orchestral Music: 2 semester hours.

Analysis and study of orchestral works from the Baroque to the present era with particular attention to performance practice. PREREQ: MUSC 3305 and MUSC 3306 or equivalent.

MUSC 5519 Voice Literature: 3 semester hours.

Instructional materials and literature for voice.

MUSC 5520 Voice Pedagogy: 3 semester hours.

A survey and comparative study of pedagogical materials, principles, and procedures for voice, with application.

MUSC 5524 Music in the Baroque Era: 3 semester hours.

Intensive study of music from Monteverdi through J.S. Bach.

MUSC 5525 Music in the Classical Era: 3 semester hours.

Intensive study of music in the Classical era, principally 1730 through Beethoven.

MUSC 5526 Music in the Romantic Era: 3 semester hours.

Intensive study of music in the Romantic era, principally 1800 to 1900.

MUSC 5527 Music in the Modern Era: 3 semester hours.

Intensive study of music in the Modern era, principally since 1900.

MUSC 5529 Advanced Music History Survey: 3 semester hours.

Study of music history topics, including vocal and instrumental forms and styles.

MUSC 5532 Instrumental Arranging: 2 semester hours.

Arranging music for different instrumental combinations and various textures.

MUSC 5533 Composition: 2 semester hours.

Individual instruction in the organization of musical ideas into logical and homogeneous forms with an emphasis on contemporary styles. May be repeated up to 12 credits.

MUSC 5535 Analysis of Musical Styles: 2 semester hours.

The techniques of stylistic analysis of music from the Baroque period through the 20th century.

MUSC 5538 Special Topics in Music Theory: 2 semester hours.

Advanced studies in selected topics in music theory. May be repeated up to 6 credits with change of topic.

MUSC 5539 Advanced Music Theory Survey: 3 semester hours.

Study of music theory methods, including harmonic and formal analysis.

MUSC 5545 Advanced Instrumental Conducting: 2 semester hours.

Designed for secondary school music educators. Practical experience in analyzing and rehearsing instrumental conducting techniques for a wide variety of instrumental music. PREREQ: MUSC 3320.

MUSC 5546 Advanced Choral Conducting: 2 semester hours.

Designed for secondary school music educators. Practical experience in analyzing and rehearsing choral conducting techniques for a wide variety of choral music. PREREQ: MUSC 3319.

MUSC 5562 Studies in Music Curricula: 3 semester hours.

Study of historical, philosophical, and current issues in school music curricula.

MUSC 5563 Psychology of Music: 3 semester hours.

Overview of music learning through concepts and trends in psychology such as perception, identity, and culture.

MUSC 5591 Independent Study: 1-4 semester hours.

Supervised study in selected areas, primarily research, writing, or analysis. May be repeated to a maximum of 7 credits. PREREQ: Permission of instructor and Department Chair.

MUSC 5598P Prof Development Workshop: 3 semester hours.

New methods and opportunities to enhance and supplement skills. Subject to the approval of the Dean of the student's college, a maximum of eight credits earned in workshops may be applied toward a degree; students taking the courses only for personal development may choose the 0-credit option; those seeking professional development must choose a for-credit option.

MUSC 5599 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.

The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.

MUSC 6601 Foundations in Music Education: 3 semester hours.

Historical, philosophical, and psychological foundations of music education, with their application to current instruction and evaluation.

MUSC 6610 Practicum in Rehearsal Techniques: 2 semester hours.

Advanced techniques of ensemble rehearsal, including procedures, diagnostic and achievement evaluation, planning and pedagogy. PREREQ: MUSC 5515 or MUSC 5516, MUSC 5517.

MUSC 6650 Thesis Project: 1-4 semester hours.

The student will present a public graduate recital, supervised by a faculty member in the music department. In addition to the recital, a paper will be submitted demonstrating extensive familiarity with research relative to the music performed in the recital. This paper will be written under the supervision of a faculty member from the College of Education and faculty members from the Music Department. The completed paper and recital are to be accepted by the examining committee and the paper filed with the dean of the College of Education. A recording of the recital will be filed with the music department. Graded S/U.

MUSC 6671 Music Education Seminar: 3 semester hours.

Advanced examination of concepts, principles, models, and theories of instruction in music education. Seminar format requires active participation in readings, discussion, presentations, and written assignments. PREREQ: MUSC 6601 and MUSC 6610.

MUSC 6695 Graduate Recital: 2 semester hours.

Public recital culminating from applied music study at the graduate level. Graded S/U .

MUSC 6699 Experimental Course: 1-6 semester hours.

The content of this course is not described in the catalog. Title and number of credits are announced in the Class Schedule. Experimental courses may be offered no more than three times with the same title and content. May be repeated.