Spanish 20 Credit Endorsement

SPAN 1101
SPAN 1102
Elementary Spanish I
and Elementary Spanish II (or equivalent) 1
SPAN 2201
SPAN 2202
Intermediate Spanish I
and Intermediate Spanish II (or equivalent)
GLBL 2207Contemporary European Culture3
or GLBL 2208 Cultures of the Spanish Speaking World
SPAN 3301Spanish Conversation and Composition3
or SPAN 3302 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
SPAN 3341Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization3
or SPAN 3342 Survey of Latin American Cultures
LANG 4437The Teaching of Foreign Languages3
Total Credits28

If a student is able to place into SPAN 2201/SPAN 2202, these courses can be waived. Please see "Language Placement Testing" in the Global Studies section of this catalog for information on language placement. SPAN 1101/SPAN 1102 are not required for teacher certification in Spanish in Idaho.