Dual PharmD/MPH

Students enrolled in the PharmD/MPH Program at Idaho State University may combine the PharmD degree with an MPH degree with approximately one year of additional effort. There are no changes to the existing programs, nor does it replace any existing programs. The proposal involves one existing seven-credit course 6651 Public Health Project/PHAR 9981 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience - Public Health) that will be cross-listed and will meet the objectives for both programs. In addition, the required MPH courses will meet and exceed the 6 required elective credits in the PharmD program. The required PharmD courses will meet and exceed the 6 required elective credits in the MPH program.

Note that while the MPH program will be taught fully online, the PharmD program is taught face-to-face.

PharmD students who would like to complete the PharmD/MPH will apply to the MPH program as typical prospective students. Students will be expected to meet all of the current PharmD, and MPH, learning outcomes.

Program Requirements

Students enrolled in the PharmD Program at Idaho State University may combine that degree program with an MPH degree. The program is essentially the traditional PharmD program with the use of some MPH courses to meet requirements. 

First PharmD professional year start:
MPH 6601Applications in Epidemiology3
MPH 5540Research and Writing in Health I1
MPH 6602Biostatistics3
MPH 6620Health Program Planning and Evaluation3
MPH 6604Social and Cultural Perspectives in Public Health3
MPH 6606Environmental and Occupational Health3
MPH 6609Seminar in Public and Community Health3
MPH 5507Rural Health Systems3
MPH 6660Behavior Change Theory and Applications3
MPH 6640 Research and Writing in Health 2, 2 credits (during P4 off- block in Fall semester 2 total credits) MPH 6651/PHAR 9981
2nd PharmD professional year start:
MPH 6602Biostatistics3
MPH 6601Applications in Epidemiology3
MPH 6606Environmental and Occupational Health3
MPH 6609Seminar in Public and Community Health3
MPH 5540Research and Writing in Health I1
MPH 6620Health Program Planning and Evaluation3
MPH 6640Research and Writing in Health2
MPH 6604Social and Cultural Perspectives in Public Health3
MPH 5507/Rural Health Systems 3 credits/MPH 6660* Health Behavior Change Theory and Applications 3 credits (during P4 off-block in Fall semester 6 total credits) MPH 6651/PHAR 9981
3rd PharmD professional year start:
MPH 6606Environmental and Occupational Health3
MPH 6609Seminar in Public and Community Health3
MPH 5540Research and Writing in Health I1
MPH 6602Biostatistics3
MPH 6601Applications in Epidemiology3
MPH 5507/Rural Health Systems 3 credits/MPH 6660* Health Behavior Change Theory and Applications (during P4 off-block)
PharmD Post-graduate:
MPH 6606Environmental and Occupational Health3
MPH 6609Seminar in Public and Community Health3
MPH 5540Research and Writing in Health I1
MPH 6620Health Program Planning and Evaluation3
MPH 6604Social and Cultural Perspectives in Public Health3
MPH 6640Research and Writing in Health2
MPH 6660Behavior Change Theory and Applications3
MPH 6651Public Health Project (and PHAR 9981)1-6