Minor in Latino Studies

ANTH 1102Cultural Anthropology (Partially satisfies General Education Objective 6)3
ANTH 2239Latino Peoples and Cultures (Satisfies General Education Objective 9)3
HIST 2251Latin American History and Culture3
One year of Intermediate Spanish6-8
Intermediate Spanish I
and Intermediate Spanish II
(Either course above satisfies General Education Objective 9.)
Spanish Conversation and Composition
and Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Others with permission of Latino Studies Director
Plus 6 credits from the following list, 3 credits must be upper division.6
Latino Peoples and Cultures (Satisfies General Education Objective 9) 1
Survey of Latin American Cultures
Topics in Culture and Literature
Hispanic Current Affairs
Topics in Culture and Literature
Total Credits21-23

Repeatable for 6 credits choosing different courses such as Contemporary Latinos in the U.S., Peoples of Mexico Through Film, Ancient Mesoamerica, or other approved classes.